4 out of 5 Obamacare Sign-ups Require Subsidies

The CEO of the Cleveland Clinic says that a majority of Americans who signed up for Obamacare have seen their premiums rise.

“About three-quarters of them find that their premiums are higher than they had been previously with other insurance,” Toby Cosgrove told Fox News.

Obamacare, the plan purportedly created to provide health coverage for the uninsured, has enrolled just 1.7% of America’s 48.6 million uninsured. The White House now claims an Obamacare enrollment figure of six million people. However, according to The New York Times, at least 20% of those never paid their premiums to activate coverage, leaving them uninsured. That drops the number down to 4.7 million.  On top of this 4 out of 5 Obamacare sign ups require subsidies.

News of the disastrous numbers comes as nervous Democrats and President Barack Obama, ahead of the November midterm elections, did their best on Monday’s enrollment deadline to put a positive propaganda spin on the deeply unpopular Obamacare program. The latest Associated Press poll finds that Obamacare has now hit an all-time low approval rating of just 26 percent.

Millions to Remain Uninsured, Pay Mandate Tax Under Obamacare

USA Today reports that an estimated 3 million Americans will find themselves in precisely that position this year – paying a fine because insurance is too expensive – due to the President’s health care reform law. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that fines on individuals who do not comply with the mandate will total $52 billion over the next 10 years. The agency recently reported that in 2024, there will be 31 million Americans without insurance. About 45 percent of those – or 14 million people – will have the option to purchase insurance but choose not to do so – due to cost or other factors.

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The Affordable Care Act, which Obama promised would reduce the typical American family’s health insurance by $2,500 per year, has in fact raised insurance costs for three-quarters of Obamacare policy holders, according to the CEO of the Cleveland Clinic.






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