The Democrats!

by Joe David   When Pandora’s Box flipped open, after Donald Trump became President, all hell broke loose in America. What immediately flew out of the box, to many Americans’ horror, was a political plague spread by obnoxious, intolerant and insensitive Democrats out to resist the Duly Elected President of the U.S.A. in every possible way. Without […]

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America in Moral Freefall

During my youth, female impersonators mimicked glamourous Hollywood stars with flair and skill. Today, during my senior years, at one Washington, DC, “hotspot,” they have chosen to mimic sex workers with expletives and “dry orgies.” For the record, I am a man of some years with a retired libido who has seen in my lifetime […]

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Historic Visit!

By Joe David Photo credit: Armenian Assembly of America  H.E. Bako Sahakyan, the President of the Republic of Artsakh, visited Washington this month and for one week the modest Republic with a mountainous terrain and a turbulent history became the subject of interest on Capitol Hill.  “After having visited Artsakh,” Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) said […]

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Murder in America’s schools

For a teacher to survive in America’s Gulag prison-camps (the schools), he must learn to play the game and allow students with adjustment issues enough freedom to self-destruct.         Reprinted with Permission: America has once again been shaken by mass murder. This time seventeen people were shot in a Florida public high school by […]

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America’s Puerile Preoccupation Sex, Sex, Sex and more Sex!

by Joe David As long as boys and girls exist, there will always be touching, ogling, improper comments, and even a little behind-the-scenes hanky-panky. There is nothing, absolutely nothing anyone can do about this short of neuter the population. It is quite normal for boys and girls to meet and inspect each other, regardless of age or proclivity. We […]

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A Prerequisite for Self-Destruction

If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, as Jefferson cautioned, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed. –President Ronald Reagan National Library Week, 1981 Today’s students have been skillfully educated to demonstrate their ignorance with both ease and pride. If you have doubts, you should: Listen to them discuss […]

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Silencing the Past

by Joe David While cleansing the Ottoman Empire of religious impurities in 1915, the Turks wiped out almost two-thirds of the Assyrian Christian population. No one knows how many Christians were martyred during World War I, but we do know the number is in the millions. Despite efforts by the Turks to silence the past, […]

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The Loss of Innocence

by Joe David The America I knew growing up is rapidly disappearing. Law and order is being replaced by mob rule. A madness has claimed the country, introduced in recent years by hate groups who are dedicated to using violent protests to cause political instability. In a frenzy of madness, often triggered by just an […]

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The Obama Legacy: Those golden years

By Joe David There is talk that President Barack Hussein Obama is concerned about his political legacy once he is out of office. This is nonsense. Nothing he has ever done during his presidency could tarnish his eight years in the White House. Valerie Jarrett, the President’s closest advisor, said it all so well when […]

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Is the world ignoring the lessons from history and spinning out of control?

Joe David, provocative author of The Infidels, asks: WASHINGTON, DC – In response to this question, Joe David, author of The Infidels, asks another question: Are the international crises, instigated by savage groups like ISIS, the result of conflicting religious views, as many are led to believe, or do they reflect a pattern, which suggests […]

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