Supreme Court Dodges Decision in Christian Bakers’ Refusal to Make Cake for Same-Sex Wedding

The Supreme Court lifted an order Monday that punished a Christian couple in Oregon who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, telling a lower court to reconsider the dispute in light of the high court’s decision last year involving another Christian baker in Colorado. The decision keeps a contentious social dispute over […]

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Companies Backing Abortion Should Be Careful What They Wish For

A vast array of corporations have come out in support of abortion in recent weeks—specifically to oppose “heartbeat bills” that ban abortion after six weeks, such as the ones recently signed into law in Georgia, Missouri, and Alabama. Last week, leaders of more than 180 companies—including MAC Cosmetics, Yelp, and clothing-maker Eileen Fisher—signed a letter […]

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Common Sense Finally Coming to EPA With Cost-Benefit Analysis

Shouldn’t Environmental Protection Agency regulations do more good than harm? The agency hasn’t always thought so. In 2012, under President Barack Obama, the EPA finalized a rule to reduce emissions of mercury and other hazardous air pollutants from coal- and oil-fired power plants. In doing so, the agency decided that it didn’t need to consider […]

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Despite Pressure, Many Hispanics Remain Pro-Life

Hispanics and pro-life advocacy go together naturally, in no small part because of Hispanics’ Christian faith. Studies have shown that most Hispanics are religiously observant, with about 83% of them affirming a religious affiliation. More important than statistics, however, and more indicative of their views on the issue of abortion, is the emotion with which […]

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White House Rebukes Calls for Firing of Conway Over Alleged Hatch Act Violations

The Trump administration came to the defense of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, sharply rejecting a call from a federal watchdog that she should be fired for criticizing political opponents during TV interviews at the White House. The Office of Special Counsel issued a report asserting that Conway violated the Hatch Act, a 1939 law […]

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