Why You Can Now Legally Mine an Asteroid

It is the beginning of a new space age. On Nov. 25, President Barack Obama signed into law a bill passed by a Republican congress that provides legal clarity and economic incentives for the growing American private space flight industry. The law allows private American companies to extract, use, and sell asteroid and space resources. […]

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See How Your Tax Dollars Were Wasted on These 100 Government Programs

As Congress presses further into its annual December budget battle, Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., launched the latest campaign in what he calls his ongoing war on waste. With the timely title “The Farce Awakens,” Flake’s 2015 Wastebook highlights 100 government programs of questionable merit—such as the millions in taxpayer dollars spent on sheep in microgravity, […]

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More Un-American: Banning Muslims, or Flooding America With Syrian Refugees?

By John W. Lillpop To his credit, or discredit depending on one’s perspective, Donald Trump has almost single-handedly driven America into a raging firestorm over the “Muslim problem,” as he would so eloquently express it. Using his professional communications and extraordinary show business skills, Trump has managed to rip routine terrorism news from the front […]

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Kerry refuses to explain how the two state solution prevents Abbas’ plan for Israel’s destruction

by Ezequiel Doiny Abbas rejects the two state solution. Lt. Col. (ret) Jonathan Halevi explained in the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs that Abbas supports a phased plan for Israel’s destruction “…Beneath the moderate guise that Abbas tries to project is a Palestinian leader who unreservedly supports terror and demands to implement what the Palestinians […]

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Why Conservatives Should Not Join Student Protestors’ Fight Against Woodrow Wilson

The arch-progressive Woodrow Wilson is under attack—but conservatives should not join the fray. Wilson is the latest target of modern liberalism in its war against the past. Our 28th president has recently drawn the ire of student protestors at Princeton, who want to scrub the university clean of his name and image because of his […]

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Israeli Arabs should lose their citizenship for failing to condemn Abbas’ call to expel Jews

On December 2 David Keene wrote in the Washington Times that “…Israel’s 10 million inhabitants include something like 1.8 million Muslims, most but not all of whom are Israeli citizens…in most ways they know they are better off in Israel than if they were under the control of the Palestinian Authority. This is particularly true […]

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The Islamic State’s Genocide of Christians

Reports that the White House will declare that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has committed genocide against Iraqi Yazidis, but not against Christians, are of grave concern. Omitting Christians would be a strategic mistake because ISIS’ spiritual legitimacy depends on their promise to cleanse the “Caliphate” of infidel Christians. The U.S. must […]

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Mass Shooters: Mostly White Men??

ANN COULTER The San Bernadino shooting has just happened a few days ago and the shooters are Muslims,  in response to Robert Dear Jr.’s murder of three people at a Colorado Springs shopping mall last week, the New York Times exulted: “Even as politicians and those in Congress pump up public fears at the supposed […]

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