Has America Finally Begun to Despise BOTH Parties?

By Jim Yardley   For many years average Americans, regardless of color, gender, national origin, religious affiliation (or lack of any religion), level of formal education or any other cultural identity have despised Democrat politicians more than Republican politicians. Why would this be so?  Largely it can be assumed that Republicans have had a much better […]

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Are Obama’s Drone Strikes More Defensible than Torture?

Victor Davis Hanson There are lots of hypocrisies surrounding the recently released executive summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program. But they pale in comparison to the current Democratic silence about President Barack Obama’s policy of targeted drone assassinations.  Since 2004, drones have killed an estimated 2,400 to […]

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Global Warming ‘greater threat to liberty than fascism or communism’

After the usual impeccably choreographed all-night “negotiation,” delegates of almost 200 nations at the latest annual U.N. climate yak-fest – this time in Lima, Peru – reached the usual agreement not to agree on anything except that the process by which they profit must continue. Not one delegate made any mention of the fact that […]

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CIA Torture Report is “Hate America” AgitProp, Total BS; Obama’s Panetta Said Torture Works

By Debbie Schlussel The first thing you need to know about the “CIA torture report” put out by liberal Democrats in the U.S. Senate is that it cost $40 million of your money to produce. The second thing you need to know is that Barack Obama’s CIA Director Leon Panetta–a big liberal–disagreed long ago with […]

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So Just How Stupid Are Liberals Anyway?

By Jim ONeill Seeing as how liberal stupidity is a given, the question becomes one of degree—just how stupid are liberals?  Are they off-the-charts stupid, or simply low-wattage-dim-bulb stupid? Please don’t mistake my question for being merely some snarky ad hominem attack.  You have only to look at the recent questioning of John Gruber by Rep. […]

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Obama: The First Six Years

By James Sharp  Dear President Obama, I do not know if you are astute enough to recognize it. But, when you were elected president in 2008, you were given an extraordinary opportunity that very few individuals throughout the course of human history had been given. As America’s first African-American president, you had the chance to […]

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CIA: Feinstein’s committee got its facts way wrong in torture report

By Dan Calabrese No one should be surprised by the content of a report written by Senate Democrats on the “torture” of terrorist detainees. It reflects the assumptions Democrats have made (or at least given voice to) for years, namely that by torturning detainees, we squandered our international esteem and got no useful information as […]

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