Israeli-Egyptian Border

Israel Defending Eyptian Govt?

August 19, 2013 16:32 by Pesach Benson Israel’s lobbying Washington and Europe to support the Egyptian government. The Jerusalem Post and NY Times explains the effort, as well as Israel’s conundrum in a situation where no matter what you do, you have to hold your nose. The latter explains: With the European Union planning an […]

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Muslim Brotherhood symbol and Obama

Egypt Releases Video of Muslim Brotherhood Snipers Firing on Security Forces

Egypt’s Interior Ministry released a video on Monday which, it said, shows Muslim Brotherhood snipers firing onto security forces last week, as a protester camp in Cairo was being dispersed. The video, which was published by Al Arabiya, shows aerial shots seemingly taken from a helicopter, and other shots that appear to be filmed from […]

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List of Christian Buildings torched by the Muslim Brotherhood in the last 3 days

The following list of 58 looted and burned buildings (including convents and schools) has been verified by representatives of the Christian Churches. At least 58 Christian churches, schools, institutions, homes and shops have been attacked, looted and torched over the last three days by the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of Mohamed Morsi, the former Egyptian […]

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Media Downplays Muslims Brotherhood Killing Christians in Egypt

Over 600 people were killed during the August 14-17 clashes between the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood. In the aftermath, the media and the political class have focused on the military’s crackdown while largely giving the Obama backed Muslim Brotherhood a pass. For example, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) released a […]

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Reaping What Obama’s Sown in Egypt

Obama continues to offer his blessings to the theocratic totalitarians of the Muslim Brotherhood as they spill blood on Egyptian streets in an effort to restore Mohamed Morsi to power. Our terrorist-supporting president has the gall to scold the military, the most stable, trusted institution in Egypt, while his Islamofascist allies burn scores of Coptic […]

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Egypt preparing a diplomatic mission to Russia; While Obama Fumbles

As the situation in Egypt escalates, a source with very close ties to the Egyptian government tells Breitbart News that the country is preparing to send a diplomatic mission to Russia. While the Obama Administration sends conflicting messages about the conflict, Russia, China and Saudi Arabia have issued strong statements in support of the government’s […]

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Obama Administration Stumbles in Egypt’s Shifting Sands

Li Muzi/Xinhua/Photoshot/Newscom The Obama Administration’s influence in Egypt has evaporated as Egypt’s “Arab Spring” hopes for a democratic transition have wilted during a summer of rising violence. Egypt’s army, which ousted the unpopular, autocratic and anti-Western President Mohamed Morsi in a July 3 coup, turned a deaf ear to Washington’s call for political accommodation with […]

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‘Incoherent’ Obama policy on Egypt under fire as violence spreads

As Egypt descends into total chaos with Obama backing the wrong side.   Obama is facing increasing criticism that an “incoherent” policy toward Egypt,  much like Obama’s policy toward Syria.  Obama is putting U.S. money and influence on the line and it leading to an Islamic terrorist state. The Obama administration claims to be staying […]

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Muslim Brotherhood symbol and Obama

Nearly 200,000 Sign WH Petition to Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Organization: Obama Ignoring It

( – A White House “We the People” petition asking the Obama administration to designate Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization has garnered 187,957 signatures in 30 days – nearly double the number of signatures required for petitions to earn an official response from the Obama administration. The petition was posted on the White […]

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Egypt’s Islamist Rage Targets Christians

Supporters of ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi have reportedly been lashing out at Christian targets, besides confronting the government. In Fayoum, in Upper Egypt, pro-Morsi supporters set fire to a Christian youth center located next to the Muslim youth center where they had been protesting, according to a report on Ahram Arabic cited by the […]

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