From FreedomWorks:
The stakes could not be higher for the American taxpayer than they are this week.
This Saturday is the 9-12 Taxpayer March on DC, an opportunity for
people from all parts of the country to come together to tell our
government that enough is enough. Regardless of party affiliation or
background Americans are joining together in a fight against the
socialist policies of President Barack Obama and his colleagues in
Be a part of history and support the 9-12 Taxpayer March on DC!
Our fight up to this point has proven to be effective. FreedomWorks
is now in the cross hairs of the White House itself and President
Obama has identified our grassroots activists among the greatest
threats to his policy agenda. As a result of our efforts the
president’s plans for government-run health care are quickly crumbling
before his very eyes. In an attempt to salvage his government power
grab, he will be delivering a speech tonight to our nation’s Congress
and the American people. Notice the timing of his speech.
On the eve of thousands of FreedomWorks grassroots activists arriving
in D.C. to lobby their legislators on the Hill face-to-face, and tens
of thousands more for the 9-12 march itself, President Obama will try
to woo America with his socialist health care vision. By his side
will be Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who both claim that they have
enough votes to pass their government health care grab. This would
not be done through the traditional process in Congress, but rather
through reconciliation, completely disregarding any thought of
bipartisanship or what the American people really want.
Now, more than ever, it is time to show Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and
their cronies that we are neither astroturf nor “un-American”. The
activists coming to D.C. are not paid professional protesters or
lobbyists. They are average Americans who are paying their own way to
deliver a personal message to the very people who are supposed to be
working for them that they are sick and tired of the government
meddling in their affairs and spending money it does not have.
There has never been a better time to show the politicians in
Washington that American taxpayers will tolerate this oppression no
longer. The 9-12 march will demonstrate to Obama and his
congressional allies that they cannot con their way into the hearts
and minds of the American people by ramming through their agenda.
While we have been able to hold off ObamaCare, cap-and-trade, and
further deficit spending to this point, we need your support more than
ever to truly stop Obama’s ever-expanding government. In order for
us to show the president that his speech will not make us back down,
we need the 9-12 Taxpayer March on Washington to be an overwhelming success.
If you are able, I encourage you to make a secure online donation by
clicking here. Your donation of $25, $50, $100, or more will help
ensure that we send the most effective message that we can to
President Obama and his cohorts in Congress.
Additionally, I encourage you to show up on Saturday and make your
voice heard along with tens of thousands of like-minded individuals.
You can find time and location details at And if you are unable to attend the march, be sure to tune in by watching the live coverage on Glenn Beck from 1-3 pm and follow the events in real-time on our website at:
With your help, this march will be the historic success we believe it
can be and we will have put our nation’s fate back into the hands of
the American taxpayer!