No Puerto Rican Statehood without Official English

VOTE NO on H.R. 2499

H.R. 2499, The Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2009 is out of committee and could be brought to the floor of the House of Representatives for a vote any day!

H.R. 2499 is “stealth” legislation designed to lead to the admission of Spanish-speaking Puerto Rico as our 51st state.

That is why the bill requires Puerto Ricans to vote on the issue of their political status again after they have rejected statehood in three nation-wide elections since 1991.

But this time the plebiscite process is rigged in favor of statehood!

ProEnglish opposes H.R. 2499 because it does not require Puerto Rico to adopt English as the language of its government as a pre-condition for statehood. Therefore if Puerto Rico were to be admitted as a state it would destroy our nation’s unity in English and force the U.S. to become an officially bilingual country like Canada.

Please send your Congressman an email message and urge them to VOTE NO on H.R. 2499.


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