AMAC vs. AARP – David vs. Goliath

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AMAC vs. AARP – David vs. Goliath There are two organizations representing citizens 50 plus. AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens has 10’s of thousands of members

AARP has 26 million Members.

The leadership of AARP has proven themselves to be a liberal leaning group that endorsed expensive Obamacare, without the consent of their members.

AMAC (pronounced A- Mack) is one of the leading groups fighting against President Obama’s health care initiative. AMAC has organized “Tea Parties” and participated in rallies against expanding government and raising taxes.

AMAC is pro-life, pro Second Amendment, and thinks government has grown too large and powerful. AMAC feels our elected officials are ignoring the will of the people. The proof of this can be seen in the way Congressmen and Senators have been treating their constituents at the various town hall meetings.

We need more members so we can have more clout with office holders. We need to counter the influence of AARP when they say they are speaking on behalf of Americans aged 50 and over.

AMAC will lead this fight knowing we can win, if you and other patriot Americans stand behind us.

Please go to and sign on as a member. For $12.50/year, you will know we are working on your behalf to stop socialism in America.

David conquered Goliath- and AMAC can beat AARP. Please check out our website and if you agree with us, please tell your friends.

Members receive our magazine and qualify for member discounts on Insurance and other services.


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