Miller, who has become decidedly more skeptical since his years of negotiating for both Democratic and Republican presidents, wrote, “Unlike Netanyahu, Obama does seem in a hurry. He wants a two-state solution on his watch. Time is not his ally.
“It is not entirely clear why Obama considers this matter so urgent… If Washington presses too hard with its own ideas now, it could lead to a crisis, the breakdown of negotiations or the need for a premature U.S. plan. None of this would be good for Obama.”
Miller also said that unlike former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, “who seemed in love with Israel…Obama seems detached.”
As for Prime Minister Netanyahu, Miller explained there are two sides of the man – the tough-talking ideological Zionist and a pragmatic statesman. “Which version of the PM will show up in Washington?” Miller asked. “Both, of course.”
Arab skepticism and expectations of President Obama are high, and a failure to meet Palestinian Authority demands of a total building freeze for Jews in Judea and Samaria would likely add another black mark to the president’s policies that have contributed to a sinking popularity. (