‘Beheading Sheikh’: Rape Victims Can Blame Themselves for Wearing ‘Satanic Skirts’

The Sydney-born Islamic cleric who called for the beheading of a Dutch anti-Muslim MP has been back in Australia for several months and preaching at an Islamic centre in Campbelltown in Sydney’s south-west.

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In a speech on his website, Sheikh Feiz Mohammad described Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom, as ”this Satan, this devil, this politician in Holland” and said his head should be chopped off for denigrating Islam. Sheikh Feiz Mohammad gained notoriety for a speech in Bankstown in 2005 when he said a rape victim had no one to blame but herself for wearing ”satanic skirts”.

An Islamic news website, MuslimVillage.com, reported yesterday the cleric gave the Friday Prayer sermon at the Campbelltown centre last week.

Mr Wilders has called Islamic culture ”retarded and violent”

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