As 2010 draws to a close, The Foundry will be posting a series of Top Ten lists highlighting some of The Heritage Foundation’s most influential work. The Top Ten Heritage Charts are below, sorted by pageviews with the 10th most popular chart on top, and the most popular chart at the bottom. Turns out the most popular chart of 2010 is the same as the 2009 (with updated info) most popular chart. If we left out your favorite, let us know in the comments.
10. Recent Spending Hikes Are Not Limited to Temporary Emergencies
8. Federal Government Revenues Have More Than Tripled Since 1965
7. Entitlements Will Consume All Tax Revenues by 2052
6. Taxes per Household Have Risen Dramatically
5. Obama’s Budget Would Create Unprecedented Deficits
4. National Debt Set to Skyrocket
3. Federal Spending Is Growing Faster Than Federal Revenue
2. Federal Spending per Household Is Skyrocketing
1. The Top 10 Percent of Income Earners Paid 71 Percent of Federal Income Tax
Source material can be found at this site.