List of 27 States Suing Over Obamacare

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Last March, Virginia and Florida (joined by 12 other states) filed suit against Obamacare, challenging its constitutionality. Since that time, many other states have joined in, recognizing the threat posed by the legislation to both the Constitution and their own state budgets. As we reported on Friday, more than half of all states are now suing over Obamacare.

In Friday’s post, several commenters asked for a complete list of the states involved with the various lawsuits, which we have compiled below. The following list contains all 27 states that have started or joined in a lawsuit against Obamacare. Those highlighted gray are in the process of joining a suit or, in the case of Oklahoma, preparing to sue on their own.


State Lawsuit Joined Date Joined
Virginia Virginia March 23, 2010
Florida Florida March 23, 2010
South Carolina Florida March 23, 2010
Nebraska Florida March 23, 2010
Texas Florida March 23, 2010
Utah Florida March 23, 2010
Louisiana Florida March 23, 2010
Alabama Florida March 23, 2010
Michigan Florida March 23, 2010
Colorado Florida March 23, 2010
Pennsylvania Florida March 23, 2010
Washington Florida March 23, 2010
Idaho Florida March 23, 2010
South Dakota Florida March 23, 2010
North Dakota Florida April 5, 2010
Arizona Florida April 6, 2010
Georgia Florida April 13, 2010
Alaska Florida April 20, 2010
Nevada Florida May 14, 2010
Indiana Florida May 14, 2010
Mississippi Florida May 14, 2010
Wisconsin Florida January 3, 2011
Oklahoma Oklahoma January 7, 2011
Wyoming Florida January 7, 2011
Ohio Florida January 11, 2011
Kansas Florida January 12, 2011
Maine Florida January 12, 2011

Source material can be found at this site.

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