Pakistan Says It Captured Bin Laden Aide

Pakistan says it has arrested senior Al Qaeda terrorist Younis al-Mauritani, who took orders from Osama Bin Laden before he was killed. U.S. intelligence assisted in capturing him along with two aides.

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Al Qaeda

“Mauritani was tasked personally by Osama Bin Laden to focus on hitting targets of economic importance in United States of America, Europe and Australia,” Pakistan stated.

“This operation was planned and conducted with technical assistance of United State Intelligence agencies? with whom Inter-Services Intelligence has a strong, historic intelligence relationship,” it added.

U.S. Navy SEALs not only killed Bin Laden but also confiscated computer hard disks, which have proven valuable in tracking down other terrorists.

Lack of cooperation by Pakistan in the U.S. war on terror was highlighted by the discovery that Bin Laden had been living in a luxury and fortified villa in the country for several years before the SEALs eliminated him in a lightning raid. However, the White House praised Pakistan’s arrest of al-Mauritana and his accomplices. The captures advance American hopes that it is only a matter of time until Al Qaeda is eliminated.

“We applaud the actions of Pakistan’s intelligence and security services that led to the capture of a senior al-Qaeda operative who was involved in planning attacks against the interests of the United States and many other countries,” the White House stated.

Last week, the United States said it killed Al Qaeda’s deputy commander Atiyah Abd al-Rahman in a drone strike, but the kill has not been confirmed by Pakistan.

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Source material can be found at this site.

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