Liberals Reveal Their Hate: ‘Jewish Conspiracy’ Alleged in ‘Occupy Wall Street’ (VIDEO)

The ”Jewish Conspiracy” theme is becoming more popular in the Occupy Wall Street protests. YouTube video: Almost all judges are Jewish.

Warning: Video depicts discriminatory remarks by a racist

[youtube WLSvK2eIoBs nolink]

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“The people who run Wall Street are guilty of crimes against humanity,” stated a black American protester. “A small ethnic group consists of…almost all bankers on Wall Street are Jewish.

“There is a conspiracy in this country, and Jews control the media, the finances…. The Jews represent two percent of the population…and have pooled their money together to take control of Americans finances….

“Almost all of the federal judges are Jewish.”

He also charged that both the Democratic and Republican parties based their campaigns to “appease Jewish Americans because Jewish money controls American politics….

“It is a conspiracy that everyone is afraid to talk about.”

Source material can be found at this site.

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