Face the (Family) Facts

FamilyFacts.org has increasingly become a trusted hub for policymakers and researchers searching out the latest charts and social science research on family, religion, and community issues. One factor spurring this growth is an informative short feature now airing on more than 370 radio stations nationwide, also called Family Facts.

Marriage and Poverty

As Heritage’s Family Religion Initiative has revealed through original research, strong marriages and intact families are connected to thriving communities in endless ways. These facts are reliable. As on the popular website FamilyFacts.org, the radio feature cites stats backed up by the U.S. Census Bureau, Pew Research Center, the National Center for Health Statistics, and other leading sources.

Heritage launched this radio feature in April 2011 after considering many ways to spread the important message of how family, religion, and civil society are interconnected. While new media devices and channels premiere almost daily, research shows that the number of radio listeners is actually increasing, and radio remains the “king” of media usage on-the-go.

Rich Bott of Bott Radio Network, which reaches 40 million Americans, notes that Family Facts has been “a perfect fit” for their stations. Bott continues, “This professionally produced short feature provides timely information about family, faith and freedom issues and their foundational role in American society.” Radio stations can learn more about this short feature here or request an interview with a Heritage expert. Family Facts charts are also delivered via Culture Watch, a weekly e-newsletter.

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Religious Commitment and Giving

Family Facts provides proven research findings that should inform community, state, and Washington policymakers. To tackle complex policy questions that impact families—from education reform to upholding religious freedom—local and national leaders should face the facts.

Have you heard Family Facts on the radio? Leave your comments on it below.

Source material can be found at this site.

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