Biden Does Fake Indian Accent During Outsourcing Speech?

Vice President Joe Biden
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Vice President Joe Biden. Photo credit: Center for American Progress Action Fund

BIDEN: Even call centers, even call centers rushed over seas, hundreds of thousands. How many times you get the call, ‘I like to talk to you about your credit card’? Or that ad on TV, what is it? ‘Nancy, this is Nancy, can I talk to a supervisor?’ Right? Ok? Well, it’s a little overdone but the truth of the matter is these jobs now are paying about $19.50 an hour if memory serves me.

While at a jobs event in Rochester, New Hampshire: VP Joe Biden uses an Indian accent to imitate call service employees. (1/26/2012)

[youtube gzuGFyMM5h8 nolink]

FLASHBACK VIDEO: Then-Sen. Joe Biden commits a gaffe when talking to an Indian-American supporter: “You CANNOT go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent … I’m not joking.”

[youtube OIT3jUrNTX0 nolink]

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