The hacker war continues: An Israeli hacker group on Friday joined the ongoing cyber war between pro-Israeli and pro-Arab hackers and published the credit card details of some 4,000 people.
According to a Channel 2 News report, most of the credit cards on the list published by the group, which calls itself the Nuclear Group, belong to Iranian citizens.
“We wanted peace, you wanted a war. So you got one,” Channel 2 quoted the group as having written on the internet site on which it published the credit card details.
The group was also quoted as having said they have not yet said the last word and that they plan to take additional steps.
“We have more than half a million credit cards in our computers,” the group members said. “They won’t mess with us.”
On Thursday, an Israeli hacker team called “IDF Team” succeeded in temporarily disabling the website of the Iranian English language television station, and of the Teheran Health Ministry. The sites were hacked at about 4:30 p.m. Israel time and were operational again about one hour later.
The attack was in retaliation for Muslim hackers’ attacks yesterday that hit the Haaretz news website, the Dan bus company, Assuta Hospital and the Cinematheque.
The team reportedly brought down the Saudi Arabian Stock Exchange website, and the United Arab Emirates stock exchange website, nine days ago. That attack was in retaliation for Muslim hackers’ attacks that disabled the websites of Israeli banks and of El Al.
The team posted a warning that read: “If the lame attacks from Saudi Arabia will continue, we will move to the next level which will disable these sites longer term [sic] may come to weeks or even months. You have been warned.”
Last week Saudi hackers aimed at the website of Rabbi David Grossman’s ‘Migdal Or’ organization as well.
The “Saudi hacker” – also known as “OxOmar” – was quoted in Arabic media last weekend as having threatening to “finish Israel electronically.” The hacker exposed thousands of Israeli credit card account details earlier this month.
Israel’s National Cyber Command (NCC) and the Counter Terror Bureau (CTB) launched the nation’s first official cyber emergency drill, dubbed “Lights Out,” on Wednesday, to train cyber security personnel in dealing with the latest form of warfare.
Source material can be found at this site.