– California’s San Onofre nuclear power plant had to be unexpectedly shut down after radioactive water was discovered leaking out of the plant’s Unit 3 reactor. Nuclear physicist Kevin Kamps said San Onofre plant was near meltdown last week when one of the pipes leaked nuclear waste into the atmosphere. San Onofre about is mid point between Los Angeles and San Diego, a very populated area of the world

Kamps: Two ruptures at San Onofre, a domino effect, a cascade of two ruptures, you could have a loss of coolant accident in the core which could lead to a meltdown, which could lead to a China Syndrome, burn through containment, and a catastrophic radioactivity release in a very populated area of Southern California just North of San Diego.
This comes at the same time that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is warning that aging nuclear plants in the eastern and central portion of the United States might not be able to withstand an earthquake and its effects. But wait – there’s more.
[youtube 0vXWkQhCrJE nolink]