ELEANOR HALL: Iran’s leadership says it’s sheer lies that it’s behind the attacks and that the Israelis have planted the bombs themselves to discredit Iran?
GENEIVE ABDO: Well I think that’s entirely possible. I mean, if you consider what the Israelis did for many years in Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East, that theory is not so farfetched.
ELEANOR HALL: Although there is an argument that the attacks were similar in style to the bomb attacks on the Iranians scientists and that, therefore, that was a message of retaliation to Israel?
GENEIVE ABDO: Well, you know, there are many theories. I mean theory one is that the Iranians did it in retaliation for attacks on their own nuclear scientists. Theory two is that the Israelis have carried out this attack as a pretext to attack Iran. I mean the Israelis are seriously considering now launching a war against Iran. So that also has to be taken as a possible motivation for these assassinations.
The full transcript and audio recording can be found here.
Related article: ABC: Giving Airtime to Extremists
Abdo should consider the source of the outrageous claims she’s repeating and realize that should be enough to discredit them. But more disturbing is that someone is allowed to assert, unchallenged on a mainstream media show, the disgusting charge that Israel is capable of deliberately engineering terrorist attacks against itself for the purpose of political manipulation.
Such accusations of “false flag” operations are most commonly found on fringe anti-Semitic websites and in absurd conspiracy theories.
Source material can be found at this site.