The case of Khader Adnan, an Islamic Jihad leader held in Israeli administrative detention captured the attention of the international media as his 66 day hunger strike brought him close to death. While a debate over the merits of administrative detention is legitimate, many media outlets portrayed Adnan as an innocent baker and potential martyr for the Palestinian cause, preferring to turn a blind eye to Adnan’s involvement in one of the most extreme terrorist organizations.
In this cross-post courtesy of CIF Watch, Israelinurse addresses The Guardian’s decision to allow Adnan’s wife a propaganda platform.
Articles penned by high-ranking members of terrorist organizations proscribed by the British government – and also by UK-based supporters of those organizations – are, as we all too well know, nothing new to The Guardian’s Comment is Free. Now we have the WAGs (wives and girlfriends) version of puff pieces whitewashing terror groups and their actions in the form of an article written by Randa Musa. (My husband, Khadar Adnan has shed a light on Israel’s disregard for human rights, Feb. 22).
Mrs Khader Adnan, as she is also known, seeks to inform readers about her husband’s supposed exposure of “Israel’s disregard for human rights”. With considerable drama she tells us that as a result of Adnan’s arrest last December she “would not be surprised if even our unborn baby which I now bear will also be affected”.
Randa Musa’s concern for human rights apparently does not extend to the trauma her husband’s terror group, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, has caused to the thousands of family members of those murdered or maimed in its car bombings, suicide bombings and other terror attacks.
In fact, she tries to pass Khadar Adnan off as a “student activist” which, to British readers probably conjures images of someone whose activities stretch to handing out flyers or drawing placards.
The truth is of course very different.
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s own website describes Adnan as a “leader” of the organisation on more than one occasion. Reuters described him as a “senior figure in the Islamic Jihad” in 2010 and AP as “a top Islamic Jihad leader” in 2005. The Gulf Daily News has him down as “West Bank spokesman of the militant Islamic Jihad group” whilst Middle East Online and IMEMC both describe him as an “Islamic Jihad spokesperson”.
And if there were any further doubts about Adnan’s terrorist ideologies and affiliations, they are quickly dispelled in this video from 2007 in which he solicits suicide bombers.
Apparently banking on her readers’ lack of geographic knowledge, Musa tells us that “life under Israel’s military occupation has turned our dream into a nightmare”. However, their village – Arraba – has in fact been under Palestinian Authority control since the Oslo Accords in the earlier part of the 1990s.
Source material can be found at this site.