Resolved, That Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States,be indicted for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following articles of Indictment be exhibited to the United States Senate:


Resolved, That Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States,be indicted for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following articles of Indictment be exhibited to the United States Senate:

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There is a growing groundswell within American Republican and Tea Party ranks that indictment proceedings should be initiated against President Obama on a whole list of violations of the Constitution, Subversion, Treason, Espionage and the War Powers Act

Congressmen Allen West of Florida (R-Florida) and Darrell Issa (R- California) have consistently and loudly criticized the president for overstepping the political mark and bypassing Congress’s approval on a whole range of dubious policies and issues:and the recent Obama attack on the Supreme Court of Justice and the Russian ” Open Mic ” gaffe on National Security, leads to one question: Is Barack Obama making his own case for impeachment? Obama did not become the Democratic nominee for President without the help of several leaders of the Democratic Party who knew that he was not eligible for office

Listed below are  the Charges of Indictment.

1. Appointment of a “shadow government” of some 35+ individuals termed “czars” who are not confirmed by the Senate and respond only to the president, yet have overarching regulatory powers – a clear violation of the separation of powers concept. Obama bypassed the Senate with many of his appointments of over 35 “czars.”

2. No congressional support for Libyan action (violation of the War Powers Act ). Obama lied to the American people when he said that there were no US troops on the ground in Libya and then later said they were only “logistical troops.” Obama violated the War Powers Act of 1973 by conducting a war against Libya without Congressional authorization.

3. Betraying of allies ( Israel and Great Britain. Obama has placed the security of our most trusted ally in the Middle East, Israel, in danger while increasing funding to the Palestinian Authority (Fatah, just another Islamic terrorist group) whilst they have enjoined a reconciliation pact with long-standing terrorist group Hamas and the disclosure of British nuclear secrets to the Russians in the Start Treaty.  Obama gave missile codes to British Trident missiles to Russia.

4. Backdoor implementation of the DREAM Act which would grant 22 million illegals amnesty. Obama passed the Dream Act through an executive order, bypassing Congress again. DREAM is: Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors

5. Telegraphing troop reductions to enemies – against the consult of his experienced field commanders – while embracing negotiations with our enemy, the Taliban, and recognizing another, the Muslim Brotherhood.

6. Betrayal of Arizona. Obama brought a federal lawsuit against a sovereign state, Arizona, seeking to protect its citizens from this threat of mass illegal immigration

7. Obama’s Failure to enforce U.S. law, the Defense of Marriage Act. He’s stripped America of its moral base by his support for homosexuality and the attack on marriage between a man and a women Obama allows the DOJ to refuse to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act.

8. Support of an inept and incompetent attorney general who has failed to prosecute voter intimidation cases (New Black Panther Party), initiated a dangerous gun-smuggling program (Operation Fast and Furious) – which resulted in deaths to one of our own law enforcement agents. Obama allowed Operation Fast and Furious to occur, which allowed hundreds of Mexican nationals and Border Agent Brian Terry to be murdered with illegal arms given out by the ATF and DOJ.

9. Increasing the regulatory burden on American business through bypassing the legislative process with his executive branch agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration.

10. Failure to take the steps necessary to secure our borders and stem the flow of illegal immigration, termed as “repel invasions” in our United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 8 and Article 4, Section 4. Obama has failed to defend US soil in Arizona as Mexican troops bring illegals and drugs into the USA, crossing the border doing so. This is a direct violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution.

11. Inappropriately commanding the release of strategic oil reserves and providing Brazil $2 billion for its offshore oil exploration.

12. Illegally soliciting funds from within the White House ($5 dinner video fundraiser). The unalienable rights endowed to us by the Creator; life, liberty, and the pursuit (not guarantee) of happiness – are being threatened by the Obama administration. This current government has abridged the consent of the governed and that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends. It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.

13.Taking on the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review with a preemptive striking against justices who might contemplate an unfavorable ruling on ObamaCare.

14.”Open Mic ” gaffe in which he explained Russian President Dimitri Medvedev that he’d have more “flexibility” to sacrifice American security after his re-election

15. Occidental College Transcripts Reveals Obama Claimed Foreign Citizenship to Get Scholarship?

16. Obama’s secret back channel Nuclear deal with Iran, a sworn enemy of America and our Allies

17. Obama’s holding direct talks with our avowed enemy the Taliban

18. Barack Hussein Obama’s Ineligibility to be POTUS because he was born in Kenya

19. Obama and his Administration leaking previously classified information about our intelligence communities’ efforts to slow down Iran’s march to nuclear weaponry.

20. Obama destabilized Western Ally Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, and allowed the Militant  and Anti West Muslim Brotherhood to take over the Egyptian Regime, posing a mortal threat to our Ally Israel and our own Western assets and interests in the region. Obama instigated a revolution in Egypt against an ally in the War on Terror.

21. Obama has appointed Muslim Brotherhood advisers, enemies of the State, to the White House. Aid and comfort to the Muslim Brotherhood is TREASON per Article 3 Sec III of the US Constitution..

22. Obama bypassing Congress again by Executive Decree to allow Illegal Immigrants to remain and vote in America for partisan electoral purposes and reasons.

23. Obama selling citizenship to criminals in direct opposition to Federal Law.

24. Obama admin assisted Egypt in remilitarizing the Sinai, “something forbidden by the Camp David Accords”

25. Obama has attempted to compel religious institutions to pay for abortion services — a clear violation of First Amendment rights

26. Obama apologizing on 9/11 day to our sworn Islamist enemies, the Salafists, the same day these terrorists massacred the American Ambassador and three other American officials in the Benghazi Embassy, Libya. and ramsacked and looted the Cairo Embassy in Egypt.

27. Obama spending billions in aid on America´s enemies, while disregarding the needs of the US.

28. Obama is directly responsible for the many wars and murders of Christians in the Middle East

29. Obama has financially ruined this country, and his actions are leading to the demise of the dollar. President Obama is either an idiot or he is purposely trying to destroy the American economy.

30. Obama is hollowing out our military, and destroying our intelligence gathering capability.

31. Obama, aka Barry Soetoro deliberately concealed his true illegal background to be POTUS, TRUTH out: why #Obama records sealed FOREIGN student ID  Can we trust Pres. who games system – lies

32. Criminal cover up by the White House over BengaziGate, where four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens were murdered by Islamic Extremists.

33. #CANDYGATE Collusion with CNN Moderator Candy Crowley at the 2nd Debate  to cover up BengaziGate  The Candy-Obama Controversy : Get the Transcript’

34. Obama’s Illegal Foreign Campaign money.

35. Obama Administration defining the Fort Hood Terrorist Act as a Workplace Accident, which gave succour and comfort to our enemies.

36. The Border-gate arms deal offense that resulted in the death of a border patrol agent as well as numerous innocent Mexican civilians.

37. Suspected organized and widespread election fraud engineered by Agents of the Obama Regime at the November 6th Presidential Election.

38. Obama and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers misappropriated over 300 million dollars in donations meant for the education of Chicago’s minority students. They routed the money to Obama’s community activist buddies who then tried to turn the students in radicals. The program was a total failure.

39. Obama, as an Illinois State Senator, redirected tens of millions in Illinois tax dollars to Valerie Jarrett and Tony Rezko, to provide housing for low income families. They returned the favor with political donations. The housing units were built with cheap materials and labor and are uninhabitable after a mere 10 years of use.

40. Obama accepted millions in illegal campaign contributions from foreign credit cards after the credit card filters used to screen out foreign money, was switched off. This also allowed domestic donors, who were over the legal limit, to contribute more.

41. Obama and Secretary of State Clinton’s efforts to bring the US under the UN’s Small Arms Treaty are direct violations of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

41. Obama attempted to move control of the Census Bureau from the Commerce Department to the White House, to be managed by then Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel.

42. Obama had provided under the radar amnesty to illegal immigrants by allowing ICE Director John Morton to prohibit ICE officers from enforcing US immigration laws.

43. Obama allowed USAG Holder to ignore the violation of US immigration laws in the sanctuary cities, i.e.,San Francisco, etc.

44. Obama illegally fired the IG Walpin for investigating Obama’s buddy, Mayor Kevin Johnson (Sacramento), for fraud (850K) with AmeriCorps.

45. Obama is in contempt of Federal court for his illegal oil drilling moratorium in the Gulf…

46. Obama spent a month as the UN Security Council Chair in 2009, which raises the question of his conflict of interest between the US and the UN. This is also likely a violation of his Oath of Office as the UN conflicts with our Constitution on many levels, i.e., LOST, UN Small Arms ban, etc.

47. Obama signed an EO in December 2009 that allows Interpol to operate in the US without oversight by Congress, courts, FBI, or local law enforcement.

48. Obama and Secretary of  State Clinton misappropriated, er, used $23 million in US taxpayer funds to help Obama’s homeland of Kenya move to a communist nation where the freedom of speech, private property rights, and other rights are subservient to “social justice”. This includes the fact that the Kenyan constitution adopted Sharia Law, which violates the basic human rights of women.

49. Obama was likely involved with then Governor Rod Blagojevich to try and sell his Illinois Senate seat, i.e., pay to play. Jesse Jackson Jr is under investigation for it and it appears that Valerie Jarrett might also have been involved.

50. Obama ran a website that asked Americans to report on other Americans, in the area of ObamaCare, using and taxpayer money to do so. He repeated this with AttackWatch.

51.   Obama got onto the Indiana ballot through voter fraud in 2008.

52. Obama sealed all of his records that would show that he is possibly an illegal president, that he is feloniously using a false SSN, that his draft registration number is false, that his Fulbright award was falsely awarded as Obama claimed foreign student status, and that his student aid was falsely obtained.

53. Obama violated the Constitution by firing the GM CEO.

54. Obama violated bankruptcy laws by forcing GM bondholders to accept millions of dollars in losses of money that they were legally entitled to.

55. Obama violated bankruptcy laws by awarding the UAW with a share of GM and Chrysler during their bankruptcy proceedings.

56. Obama bought votes for ObamaKare with acts like, “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and the DoI increasing water allocations toCalifornia’sCentral Valley. This brought in the votes of Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa, both Democrat holdouts.

57. Obama lied about Americans being able to keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to. ObamaKare is already forcing them out of their current coverage.

58. Obama attempted to bribe Joe Sestak with a job offer in order to get him to drop out of the Senate race against Arlen Specter.

59. Obama bypassed Congress and told the EPA to set carbon emission standards.

60. Obama forced BP to pony up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast businesses and residents affected by the BP oil spill. It was administered by one of Obama’s political appointees and there is NO Congressional oversight.

61. Obama did nothing to Holder (abetted a felony) when Holder refused to prosecute two New Black Panther Party members for brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Filthadelphia. A direct violation of the voters Civil Rights.

62. Obama bypassed the Senate with a recess appointment of Donald Berwick as the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Violates policy.

63. Obama illegally fired Sherry Sherrod from the USDA over remarks she made at an NAACP meeting in March 2010. He violated her due process.

64. Obama violated contractual law when his regime cancelled 77 oil field development contracts previously approved by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, under Bush 43’s administration. This keeps us from extracting from 2-3 TRILLION barrels of oil.

65. Obama used the DHS to determine the political affiliation of Americans making FOIA requests about the Regime. This led to requests being stalled, lost, etc.

66. Obama acted in April 2009, at the G20 meeting, to expand the Special Drawing Rights, that now gives the IMF more control over the US economy.

67. Obama issued an EO on July 12, 2011, attempting to restrict the Second  Amendment rights of US citizens in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona.

68. Obama’s allowed the FCC to assume authority over the internet, in direct violation of a federal appeals court that DENIED the commission that authority. In December, the FCC voted and passed the first federal regulations on internet traffic.

69. Obama allows the DHS/TSA to routinely violate the 4th/5th Amendment rights of Americans at airports, train stations, and VIPER checkpoints.

70. Obama allows the DOJ in 2009 to stop enforcing federal drug laws in regards to marijuana.

71. Obama attempted to bypass Congress and raise the Debt Ceiling by “reinterpreting” the 14th Amendment.

72. Obama just bypassed the Senate AGAIN by appointing Richard Cordray to a new unconstitutional agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Violates policy.

73. Obama deprived the due process of two U.S.citizens, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, by assassinating them via a CIA drone attack in Yemen on Sept. 30, 2011. This also raises the question of an act of war against Yemen for firing into a sovereign nation. Obama said in 2008: “No. I reject the Bush Administration’s claim that the President has plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution to detainU.S.citizens without charges as unlawful enemy combatants.”

74. Obama allowed Education Secretary Arne Duncan to grant waivers to No Child Left Behind however, this is a law enacted by Congress and neither Obama nor Duncan have the authority to authorize that.

75. Obama allowed the bailouts to grant money without the authority to do so. “No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.” Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7U.S.Constitution

76. Obama allowed Operation Castaway to occur, which allowed firearms laws to be broken through coercion of legal gun dealers.

77. Obama bypassed the Senate to appoint three people to the National Labor Relations Board. (Naturally, they’ll all be Obomobots) Violates policy.

78. Obama twenty three illegal Executive Orders to impose a Gun Grab, which is a direct violation of the Second Amendment.

79.  Providing aid and comfort to the enemy by announcing the date for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan. Thereby providing the impetus for the escalation of the green on blue attacks

80. Obama by announcing the date for unilateral withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, thereby triggered the disintegration of the green respect that had been a goal of the training mission.

81. Obama deliberately interfering in the elections of our chief ally in the Middle East, Israel to try and influence the result.

82. Obama supplying the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt with F16 Jets and 220 Abram Tanks, sworn enemies of the USA and our Chief Ally Israel.

83. Obama nominating a Muslim John Brennan to be Director of the CIA,when America is at War with Radical Islamic Terrorists.

84. Obama nominating Chuck Hagel, a sworn enemy of our Chief Ally Israel, to be Secretary of Defense

85. Obama and Holder breaking Constitutional Law, by introducing Drone attacks on Americans.

86. Obama is using his Executive Decree to allow 80,000 Muslims to enter America next year, and 100,000 Muslims  for the next five years.

87. The Obama administration failed to enforce a century-old law meant to prevent immigrants from taking root in the U.S. only to live on the government dole

88. The Obama administration’s release of hundreds and potentially thousands of illegal-alien criminals from U.S. detention centers

89. The sequester is actually a plot by Obama to cut defense spending and transfer money to “ACORN-like” groups that would help elect Democratic candidates.

90. The Obama administration’s allegedly revealing his political opponents’ private tax information to the media.

91. Obama allowing the third Saudi Bomber in Boston be deported to Saudi Arabia – Arch Terrorist Osama Bin Laden’s son

92. Obama Will Not Charge Boston Jihad Bombers as Enemy Combatants

93. White House Link to Illegal Taping of Sen. McConnell

94. Allowing Islamic Terror Group the Taliban to flourish and operate on American soil.

95. The Obama Government has been caught promoting the delivery of taxpayer-funded welfare benefits to foreigners – “These disclosures further confirm the fact that the Obama administration cannot be trusted to protect our borders or enforce our immigration laws. And the coordination with a foreign government to attack the policies of an American state is contemptible,”

96. Agents of the Obama Regime conspired in 2008 to get Obama’s name illegally put on the Indiana Primary Ballot.

97. Obama Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel Involved In Massive Vote Fraud Scandal? 

98. TREASON…Obama Government Hired Al Qaeda to Defend the Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi?

99. Obama Military Considers Stopping Christians from Proselytizing

100. The Sequester is actually a plot by Obama to cut defense spending and transfer money to “ACORN-like” groups that would help elect Democratic candidates.

101. The IRS Scandal and Victimization and Targeting of the T Party and other Conservative Groups by the Obama Regime

102. 30 American Navy Seals killed when they flew into an ambushed landing zone, because Obamas Rules of Engagement precluded pre-bombing the Landing Zone

103. THE DOJ WIRETAPPED OVER 100 AP JOURNALIST.  The Obama’s DOJ secretly obtained 2 months of telephone records of reporters and editors for The AP … THEY STOLE THE ELECTION IMPEACH NOW

104.  EPA waives fee requests for friendly groups, denies conservative groups –

105. Sebelius fundraising ‘arguably an even bigger issue’ than Iran-Contra

106. Obama Betrays Israel: Secret Base Revealed …

107. Obama and Holder secretly and illegally wiretapped and snooped on American’s Cell Phones, E Mails in Covert Prism Project.

108.  Destruction Of NASA From The Inside’: Obama Lets Chinese Spies Steal Top Secret Weapons Technology? 

109. OBAMA DISARMING AMERICA. More Treason? Obama, Putin to sign new deal on reducing nuclear threat

110. The Obama Regime hosting Islamic Terrorist Sheikh Abdulla bin Bayyah at the White House.

111.  Secret $8 billion Treasonous Deal between Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood …

112. The Obama Regime leaked Intelligence that our Ally Israel had bombed a Syrian Military Port

113. Obama supplying hundreds of armored cars to to Listed Terrorist Organization Hezbollah.

114. The Obama Regime deliberately leaked Classified Information about our Ally Israel, secretly attacking the Syrian Port Latakia.

115. Obama engaging in Evil Race Baiting over the Trayon Affair, fanning the Flame sof Racism, and trying to provoke a Second American Civil War.

116. Obama is subject to Military Court Martial under the UCMJ at Section 906, Article 106. Impersonation of a Public Official,Usurpation,Fraud

117. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) officials ordered subordinates not to talk to congressional investigators about their investigation into illicit hiring practices and related whistle blower retaliation allegations, under orders from the Obama Regime

118. The U.S. Military Has Awarded Contracts to our sworn enemy Al-Qaeda In Afghanistan …

119. Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack – Treasonous cover up by the Obama Regime

120. The Regime of President Barack Obama has enabled
the intelligence community to disclose our Ally Israe’si military operations against
the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. …

121. Unelected White House Special Adviser Valerie Jarrett, Comm in Chief. VJ key decision-maker night of #Benghazi attack …

122. U.S. Army won’t suspend contracts with Al Qaeda-tied companies, citing “due process rights” … TREASON! TREASON! GET IT.

123. Is Army “Takeover” of the National Guard Constitutional? | Charleston Voice …

124. Obama broke the law by revealing sealed indictment in Benghazi attack? …

125. Obama Conspired With Tech Giants To Create US Surveillance State


127. Obama Bypasses Terrorism Rule To Give Weapons To Al Queda and Syrian Rebels

128. The Obama Administration sign on to the UN Arms Treaty without Congress Approval

127. The Obama Regime deliberately engineered the Government Shutdown to inflict Pain, Grief and Distress on Americans, by shutting War Memorials, Parks, Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, the Atlantic Ocean, and causing Sanctions to be eased on our Enemy Iran, which will enable them to get Nukes.

128. Obama enabled Nancy Pelosi to stage an immigration rally that happened in an otherwise closed NATIONAL Mall Obama enabled an Immigration rally that reflects his agenda (he benefits) to occur on National property, but he restricts the use of national property for general purposes or purposes that oppose his agenda. to fellow Americans.

129  Obama’s Illegal Executive OrderE.O.13575 – Establishment of the White House Rural Council: This E.O. provides for over 25 federal departments & agencies to run every aspect of rural life.

130. Obama’s Illegal Executive Order – E.O. Establishing Council of Governors: The effect of this E.O. is to erase the Independence and Sovereignty of the States and consolidate us into a national system under the boot of the Executive Branch

131. Obama by his actions says he is an agent of a foreign power working against the United States. He is a domestic enemy of the United States.

132. Obama Secretly Signing Away U.S. Sovereignty 

133.  Obama Purging the Military at a rapid rate 197  Officers Removed from Obama’s Military During the Purge

134. Obama is a Usurper. A Usurper by definition is to seize and hold power (position, authority, etc) by force and without legal right or t to commit forcible or illegal seizure of an office, power, etc.; encroach

135. US Military Has Grounds To Arrest Obama

136.  Obama is waging war on Christians in Syria, Egypt and now in Kenya. He is waging war against Christians world wide.He is a threat to the faith. He is arming the enemies of Christianity who are murdering unarmed woman and children. His actions are bringing instability to the world.

136.  Obama through insurrection is working hard to overthrow the government of the United States. Obama is trying to find an excuse to declare a national emergency to place the USA under Martial law.

137. Unacceptable for U.S. tax dollars to be funneled by the Obama Regime to a corrupt government in #Pakistan.

138. The Obama Regime wiretapped 35 global leaders

139. Michelle Obama classmate was #ObamaCare website builder. Campaign donations brings no bid contract!

140. White House Special Adviser Valerie Jarrett’s Daughter and Son-in-law work for company that receives $653 Million for #Obamacare …

141. White House OKd spying on allies, U.S. intelligence officials say Obama caught in yet another lie….,0,3235295.story#axzz2j99r08GL …

142. Obama’s Massive Obamacare Fraud 

143.  Obama Breaks the Law AGAIN: Canceled Plans Can Be Kept For A Year

144. Obama’s Dirty Syrian Deal with the Russians, and ignoring the Genocide of 120,000+ Syrians.

145. Obama’s Dirty Geneva Deal with Iran that allows the Mullahs to become Nuclear Armed, and places our greatest Ally in the Middle East, Israel in Mortal Peril.

146. Obama’s secret back door negotiations with Enemy Terrorist Group Hezbollah.

147. “If you like your insurance you can keep it…PERIOD! If you like your doctor you can
keep him…PERIOD!” “Families will save $2500 a year on insurance premiums.” If he
swindled people in the real world with this scam, he’d be charged with Fraud in the
Inducement, a felony…PERIOD!

148. Obama’s IRS has become a Gestapo-like political arm of his administration to the
point where one could accuse him of overthrowing elections due to restrictions placed by
the tax collectors against conservative fund raising.

149. “Obama has become the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid, the
concentration of power in any one of the branches.” Liberal Attorney and Law Professor,
Jonathan Turley.

150. Sending Ambassador Susan Rice to lie about the Benghazi terrorist attack. She went
on 5 Sunday political shows to claim the massacre was a reaction to an anti-Mohammed
video. This was also used to throw an election.

151. Obama supported the Dem’s Senate takeover of minority representation in order to
stack the courts.

152. This President doesn’t believe in the concept of obeying the same laws he thinks we
should obey. Look at the exemptions from Obamacare he’s illegally given to business,
Congress, unions, himself, his family and his administration.

153. Barack kills Americans overseas via drone–without due process.

154. Obama’s attacks on the press have dealt a serious blow to their energy in gathering
stories that aren’t flattering to him or his regime.

154. He has strengthened our enemies—Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, China, Russia, Hamas
and Hezbollah—while weakening our allies—Georgia, Poland, Israel. All of our enemies
are exercising the power Obama has granted them to exploit what’s not in the interest of
the USA or our allies.

155. Obama has helped in the forming of a Muslim Caliphate in Northern Africa and the

156. In a time of a horrible economy Obama has abused the privilege of office with lavish
vacations—often wasting extra taxpayer monies by leaving at different times than his wife,
children or dog.

157. Obamacare was intended to make the insurance companies drop up to 150 million
from their insurance plans so the government could force them into single payer national
health care. Because his Website is dysfunctional, up to ten million Americans not only
face a gap in insurance coverage, but will be in violation of the Obamacare law.

158. Obama Siding with Mullahs Over Congress on New Sanctions | …

159. Without Congressional Approval Obama has aligned America with Iran, Syria and Russia in Middle East Wars.

160. Without Congressional Approval Obama has sent American troops and military hardware to Africa. Obama sent U.S. troops to Uganda, Congo, South Sudan and the Central African Republic.

161. Obama is Out of Control. He has got America consorting with its  sworn enemies. This is Treason.

162.  Nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws. Obama nominated Timothy Geithner, a repeat tax cheater, to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws.

163. Avoided prosecution of Wall. St criminals. Although Obama had promised to prosecute Wall St. criminals, during his entire first term, his administration did not file any criminal charges against any of the top financial executives.

164. Lied about letting people keep their health insurance Before Obamacare was passed, Obama said:

“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people… If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

165. Lied about putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN Although Obama had made a campaign promise to have all of the health care reform negotiations broadcast on C-SPAN, he broke that promise after he was elected.

The secrecy of these negotiations was so strong that U.S. Congresswoman and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-California) said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

166. Lied about the cost of Obamacare Before Obamacare was passed, Obama promised

167. Obama illegally used Neuro-Linguistic Programming – HIDDEN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES IN HIS SPEECHES to covertly help him win two Presidential Elections.

168. Obama’s Coercion of States into adopting #CommonCore standards:

“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits – either now or in the future. I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don’t materialize.”

167. Illegally gave Obamacare exemptions to unions that supported the passage of Obamacare Obama gave some organizations an exemption from some of the requirements of Obamacare.  Many of these organizations were unions that had supported the passage of Obamacare, but now wanted exemptions from the very same law that they wanted to force everyone else to obey. This reveals an extreme level of hypocrisy among many of the supporters of Obamacare.

In addition, these exemptions are illegal, because the Constitution requires the law to treat everyone the same.

However, after Obama signed it, the Washington Post reported that it would add more than $340 billion to the budget deficit over the next decade

168. Said the health insurance mandate was not a tax, but later told the Supreme Court that it was

Before Obama’s health care reform was passed, he said that the mandate was not a tax. However, after it was passed, the Obama administration argued in front of the Supreme Court that the mandate really was a tax.

169.  Without Congressional Approval, Obama Announced plans to send military to Australia

170.  Was cited by nine states for committing 21 illegal acts

Attorneys General from nine states issued a report, titled “A Report on Obama Administration Violations of Law,” which cited 21 illegal acts which had been committed by the Obama administration.

In November 2011, Obama announced that he would send 2,500 Marines to Australia.

171. Made recess appointments when Congress was not in recess

In January 2012, Obama violated the Constitution by making four recess appointments when Congress was not in recess. Recess appointments themselves are constitutional, but only if they are made when Congress is actually in recess.

In January 2013, a federal appeals court ruled that Obama’s appointments had violated the Constitution.

In May 2013, a second federal appeals court also ruled that Obama’s appointments had violated the Constitution.

In July 2013, a third federal appeals court also ruled that Obama’s appointments had violated the Constitution.

Obama has issued various executive orders which are unlawful because they are not authorized by the Constitution or by (constitutional) Acts of Congress. Here are two executive orders which are particularly pernicious because they undermine our foundational Principle of “Federalism”, and have as their object the “improper consolidation of the States into one … republic.

172.  Illegally refused to submit a budget on time during four of his first five years

The President is legally required to submit a budget by the first Monday in February. Obama broke this law during four of his first five years in office. Since 1921, no President had missed this deadline more than once.

172. Threatened internet service providers with contempt of court if they did not install surveillance software. n August 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had pressured internet service providers to install surveillance software, so that it could monitor internet traffic without a warrant. Internet service providers who did not cave in to this pressure were threatened by the Obama administration with contempt of court.  This violated the Constitution’s ban on warrantless searches. In addition, the executive branch does not have the legal authority to declare contempt of court, as this power is reserved exclusively for the judicial branch. In August 2013, it was reported that the Obama administration had pressured internet service providers to install surveillance software, so that it could monitor internet traffic without a warrant. Internet service providers who did not cave in to this pressure were threatened by the Obama administration with contempt of court.  This violated the Constitution’s ban on warrantless searches. In addition, the executive branch does not have the legal authority to declare contempt of court, as this power is reserved exclusively for the judicial branch.

173. Obama not leaving troops in Iraq to protect our own interests in the area was treason. Treason he committed to help Iran

In Case You Missed It:  Need of Gender Neutral prenuptial agreement

174. Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates says Obama never had confidence that we could prevail in Afghanistan, but kept that war going anyway. Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates says he heard Hilary R Clinton  tell Obama she opposed the Iraq surge bz of Iowa primary political reasons. Obama said, me too. So they both put troops in harm’s way for their own political gains! They both should be prosecuted for treason.

175. Valerie Jarret, Special Adviser to Obama was illegally given Secret Service protection through an Executive Order. POTUS advisers not entitled. The Secret Service is authorized by law (18 US Code § 3056) which was by-passed for Jarrett with EO …

176. Obama  unilaterally raising Federal Minimum wage by Executive Decree circumventing Congress once more.

177. The Obama Regime interfering and meddling in Russian Affairs in the Ukraine without Congressional Approval.

178. The Obama Regime’s cover up over the Benghazi E Mails. the FOIA request for the Rhodes emails. It VERY EXPLICITLY is about Benghazi.

179. Obama trades without Congressional Approval 5 hard core terrorists from Gitmo for one American soldier who converted to Islam and went WITH Taliban! 

180. Obama is using the to circumvent Congress and enact job-killing regulations that will increase the costs of .

181. Bergdahl Swap an Impeachable Offense Trifecta

If replenishing the enemy w/high valued assets during hostilities isn’t a High Crime, what is?

a) Obama broke the law requiring 30 days notification to Congress.

b) Obama didn’t trade for a POW – he traded five individuals who are classified as some of the most dangerous individual security threats to the United States – for a person who is at best a deserter, and at worst an outright traitor

c) Obama has completely misrepresented the situation to the American people and attempted to deceive us – a high misdemeanor for an individual in a unique position of public trust.

182. What is happening in Iraq is 100% ‘s fault. It is because he refused to close a Status of Forces deal with Iraq.

183. The Obama administration has virtually thrown open the southern border of our country.  They are making minimal efforts, if any, to guard against illegal immigration and criminal activity.  Border Patrol agent’s hands have been tied, and states are having to defend the border by themselves. They have even been advertising to the various central American countries, letting their populations know that they are welcome in America, telling them about food stamps, health care, and other benefits, like a future path to citizenship for them and their whole extended families.

184. Obama admin gives $190M contract to firm that vetted Snowden and is accused of fraud.

185. Obama did not seek Congressional authorization for strikes when he argued that it was needed for ? |

186. Obama administration broke law with Bergdahl swap – Liberty Unyielding

187. Obama was criminally negligent by not stopping flights from Ebola countries in West Africa, and compounded this treasonous and criminal behavior, by sending American Forces deliberately ” Into Harm’s Way ” into these disease stricken countries.

188. Obama passing Amnesty by Executive Decree and overiding Congress once more.

189. Obama is responsible for declassifying Israeli nuclear program docs it is, in my view, unbearably outrageous. …

190. Obama engineered a Fake Iran Deal with the Mullahs in Iran, which jeopardizes the safety of Israel, Gulf States, and the entire World.

191. At the UN, the Obama Regime colluded with our enemies and other foreign sovereigns to deprive the American people – through their elected representatives – of the power to determine what obligations they will accept under international law. The Obama administration has taken the position that Russia, China, and, yes, Iran, have a vote on our national security, but we do not. And in this betrayal, Congress has, at best, been a witless aider and abettor.

Read more at:

192. Cause for IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT for HIGH TREASON~Obama’s Regime is aiding & abetting #1 Sponsor of TERRORISM IRAN~We must indict ALL

193. Obama says that he will knowingly enable the funding of terrorism. Ponder that.-#UPDATE Obama admits some unfrozen Iran cash will fund terror

194.Treason by the Obama Regime. Argentina Prez Launches Big Iran Uranium Claim Against 2010 Obama Admin at the U.N …

195. DANGEROUS & RECKLESS’: Obama releases more Gitmo detainees without Congressional approval…

196. TREASON ObamaBoehnerMcConnell gives half-BILLION 2 equip linked rebels

197. World leaders furious at release 5 from :

198.Senator calls for full investigation after shadow immigration system run by the Obama Regime  is unearthed – issued 5.5 million work permits to non-citizens since 2009 – over and above the 5 million green cards and 3.5 million guest worker permits issued by Congress.


200. Obama deliberately and covertly interfered in the Israeli Election on March 17th 2015, to try and depose Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and replace him with Obama Puppets Tzipi Livni and Buji Herzog.

201. Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli Planes in 2014 if they attacked Iran. This is treason and conspiracy against the US and our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel.

202. Iran Releases Major News About … This Means Treason

203. Obama  and Hillary Clinton Accused of Leaking Classified Documents to Harm Israel

204. Obama Admin. misled Fed. Court & issued thousands of amnesty documents illegally. Time for Contempt.

205. TREASON: Sent A Emissary In 2008 To Tehran Telling Mullahs Not To Sign Agreement w/Bush

206. HIGH TREASON BY OBAMA? IMPEACH HIM NOW! US Annual Threats Assessment Removes Iran from Terror Threats List

207. Marine Corps Commandant Exposes the Treasonous Order Obama Issued to US Marines

208. Obama passing executive decree and superseding Congress to confiscate guns from Americans.

209. general says US paid $1.7B for release of five jailed Americans; denies it.

210. Obama sent unmarked cash $400M Ransom, in unmarked plane, to state sponsor of terror :Iran

211.Bin Laden ‘bodyguard’ among 15 Gitmo prisoners transferred to UAE by Obama.

212. IRAN MAY HAVE RECEIVED Over $33 Billion In Cash AND Gold From Obama


 The result is a flood of thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants flowing across our border, mostly unaccompanied children, because they know they won’t be sent back home.  It has turned into a real humanitarian crisis. In the meantime, while Obama encourages more illegal immigration and releases criminal illegal immigrants onto our streets instead of deporting them, he leaves Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi rotting in a Mexican prison. Many of these illegal immigrants are carrying highly contagious and virulent diseases like Tuberculosis TB, Smallpox, Whooping Cough, Scabies, Dysentery, Cholera, and Plague into America being bussed and flown directly into Murietta and San Diego, California.
215. Obama used a code name to communicate with Hillary Clinton on her controversial unsecured email server in 2012
216. Obama DESTROYS 9/11 security system… to insult Trump! via Prosecute Obama the traitor!!
217.Obama betrays the State of Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East by not vetoing hostile UN motion

New Impeach Obama Book from former top fed prosecutor Andrew McCarthy will make ‘serious… ‘This exchange strongly suggests Clinton and the president knowingly discussed classified material in an unclassified setting and hence broke the law 

216. Barack Obama violated his constitutional duty to “preserve, protect, and defend” the United States by doing nothing as Russian hacking targeted American democracy.

217.   Violated U.S. Code 2388 Of U.S. War Crime – encouraged troops to disobey

  • Save

218. Obama betrayed the State of Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East once again by forcing

through an anti Israel resolution in the UN.

219. Will This Be Obama’s Last Treasonous Act? He Approves Uranium Shipment to Iran. Enough to Build 10 Nuclear Weapons!

220. Obama trying to start WWIII before Trump’s Inauguration.

221. Obama sets up a treasonous Shadow Government two miles from the White House to overthrow President Trump’s democratically elected administration.

222. Trump claims Obama had his ‘wires tapped’ before election win

223. Obama Funneled Billions of Taxpayer Money to Illegally disrupt Trump Presidency. Very Illegal!


225.Obama and Black Lives Matter ( BLM) lied on the Bundy Ranch standoff case

226.The explosive #FISA File implicating Obama and other senior White House aides in Treason, Spying and Subversion.

Former top federal prosecutor and best-selling author Andrew McCarthy has a new book coming out in June that makes the political case for impeaching President Obama.

In “Faithless Execution,” McCarthy turns away from recent books focusing on the Arab world, Islamic supremacism and its relation with the political left, and according to the book’s media kit, makes the “first serious effort to build a principled political indictment of the nation’s 45th president…the mainstream case for the “I-word”— Impeachment.”

The former prosecutor writes under the premise that impeachment is primarily a “political remedy,” and Congress will not move unless the American people demand it.

McCarthy therefore seeks to take the “first step in building a real popular consensus for impeachment…[by demonstrating] that the President’s rampant lawlessness represents a systemic threat to our constitutional order–a threat so egregious it requires action.”

In the book, McCarthy asserts that President Obama has subverted the Constitution under the following seven articles of impeachment, again per the book’s media kit:

Willful disregard for congressionally enacted, constitutionally valid law, while dictating policy by executive fiat. Including multiple unilaterally decreed amendments to the Affordable Care Act in direct contravention of the law passed by Congress.

Unilaterally instigating an undeclared, unauthorized, and unprovoked war in Libya, resulting in thousands of deaths, the killing of a head of state, and the empowerment of anti-America jihadists.

The grossly inadequate security for government personnel in Benghazi, leading to the murder of four American citizens, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

Deliberately misled the American people in the enactment and implementation of Obamacare, and on scandals from Fast & Furious and the IRS harassment of conservative groups to the Benghazi massacre.

Granting amnesty through executive edict and refusing to enforce existing immigration laws.

The systematic politicization of a Department of Justice that has covered up the Fast & Furious scandal, denied Americans equal protection of the laws, encouraged violations of law, and stonewalled Congress.

The selective targeting of political opponents for harassment and abuse by the Internal Revenue Service, while restricting freedom of speech and conscience.

McCarthy, former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, is best known for leading the prosecution against the so-called “blind sheikh,” Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, along with 11 others in the 1995 terrorism case stemming from the first World Trade Center bombing and additional planned attacks.

Additions by Courtesy of Rand Paul Interview.

Read more in the Obama File:

Read More. There’s MORE to it ! Obama’s a CIA ‘creation’ …

Does Speaker John Boehner et al really not know the President’s ENUMERATED powers? Obama could be stopped any day. Something’s wrong.

It’s time to invoke the 25th Amendment, declare Obama unfit and remove him from office.

Obama can be arrested and tried for #Treason #Sedition and #Espionage in a DC Legal Tribunal

Courtesy of @smartvalueblog


Courtesy of Michael Connelly

Written by Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney

Resolution Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.


Resolved, That Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate:

Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States of America in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America, against Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America, in maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors.

Article I


In his conduct while President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has willfully corrupted and manipulated the executive branch to increase its power and destroy the balance of powers between the three branches of government that is established by the Constitution of the United States.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:

(1)  Shortly after being sworn in for his first term as President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama began creating new departments and appointing Czars to oversee these departments. These Czars were never submitted to the United States Senate for approval as required by Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution. In addition, these Czars and the Departments have budgets that are not subject to being controlled by Congress as provided for by Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. He also made recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess.

(2)  Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution mandates that the President of the United States “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…” Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his oath of office has repeatedly ignored this Constitutional mandate by refusing to enforce laws against illegal immigration, defend in court the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and refusing to enforce Federal voting laws.

(3)  Article 1 of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the U.S. government and sets forth the powers of the Senate and House of Representatives to make laws. These powers are exclusive and the Constitution does not grant the President the power to either make laws or amend them on his own. Barack Hussein Obama has ignored these provisions and made or changed laws by either issuing unconstitutional executive orders or instructing governmental departments to take illegal and unconstitutional actions. Specific actions include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  1. A.   Ordering the Environmental Protection Agency to implement portions of the Cap & Trade bill that failed to pass in the U.S. Senate.
  2. B.   Ordering implementation of portions of the “Dream Act” that failed to pass in Congress.
  3. C.   Orchestrating a government takeover of a major part of the automobile industry in 2009.
  4. D.   Ordering a moratorium on new offshore oil and gas exploration and production without approval of Congress.
  5. E.   Signing an Executive Order on March 16, 2012 giving himself and the Executive branch extraordinary powers to control and allocate resources such as food, water, energy and health care resources etc. in the interest of vaguely defined national defense issues. It would amount to a complete government takeover of the U.S. economy.
  6. F.    Signing an Executive Order on July 6, 2012 giving himself and the Executive branch the power to control all methods of communications in the United States based on a Presidential declaration of a national emergency.
  7. G.  Signing an Executive Order on January 6, 2013 that contained 23 actions designed to limit the individual right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
  8. H.  Amending portions of the Affordable Healthcare Act and other laws passed by Congress without Congressional approval as required by Article 1 of the Constitution.

Article II


(1) Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution mandates that from time to time the President “shall give to Congress information on the State of the Union….” Implicit in this is an obligation for the President to be truthful with the Congress and the American people. Barack Hussein Obama has repeatedly violated his oath of office and the requirements of the Constitution by willfully withholding information on important issues or actively taken part in misleading the Congress and the American people. Specific actions include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  1. A.   Using Executive privilege to block Congress from getting documents relating to the DOJ’s Operation Fast and Furious and the death of U.S. Border Patrol Brian Terry.
  2. B.   Had members of his administration provide false information about the act of terrorism committed in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 and refusing to allow the State Department and other federal agencies to cooperate in the Congressional investigation.
  3. C.   Falsely labeled the mass murder of American soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas as “workplace violence” instead of the act of Islamic terrorism it was.
  4. D.   Falsely labeling the IRS targeting of conservative and Christian groups as a “phony” scandal and refusing to order an active pursuit of the investigation into who was ultimately responsible.
  5. E.   Refusing to order an independent investigation of the actions of Eric Holder and the DOJ in targeting the phone records of members of the news media.
  6. F.    Telling the American people on a television show that the NSA was not prying into the emails and phone calls of Americans when the facts prove otherwise

(2) The oath of office of the President of the United States requires him to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. This obviously includes what may be the most important part of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. Barack Hussein Obama has repeatedly violated his oath of office by seeking to limit both the individual rights and the rights of the States guaranteed in the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Specific actions include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  1. A.    Having the Department of Health and Human Services order religious institutions and businesses owned by religious families to provide their employees free contraception and other services that are contrary to their religious beliefs. This is being done under the auspices of the Affordable Health Care Act and violates the religious freedom clauses of the First Amendment.  
  2. B.    Having the military place restrictions on the religious freedom of Chaplains and other members of the military in order to favor gay rights advocates and atheists in violation of the First Amendment.
  3. C.    Having the military place restrictions on the freedom of speech of members of the military and the civilian employees of the DOD in violation of their rights under the First Amendment.
  4. D.    Using Executive orders and government agency actions to limit Second Amendment rights. This includes actions by the Veterans Administration to disarm American veterans without due process as required by the Fifth Amendment.
  5. E.    Having the National Security Agency intercept and monitor the private communications of millions of Americans without a court order and in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
  6. F.     Joining with foreign governments in lawsuits against sovereign U.S. states to prohibit them from enforcing immigration laws. This is in violation of the Tenth Amendment.
  7. G.   Filing suits under the Voting Rights Act against sovereign U.S. states to prevent them from enforcing Voter ID laws despite rulings by the Supreme Court upholding these laws. This is another violation of the Tenth Amendment and the balance of powers.

(3) Under Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution the President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the United States military and as such is responsible for using them in a manner that best serves the national security of the United States and protects our soldiers from unnecessary risks and harm. Barack Hussein Obama has violated his oath of office in this regard. Specific actions include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  1. A.   In the name of  “political correctness,” he imposed unnecessary and dangerous rules of engagement on our troops in combat causing them to lose offensive and defensive capabilities and putting them in danger. Many American service personnel have been killed or wounded as a result of this policy.
  2. B.   Releasing the identity of American military personnel and units engaged in dangerous and secret operations such as the killing of Osama bin Laden by Navy Seal team 6.
  3. C.   Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the exclusive power to declare war. Yet, without consulting Congress President Obama ordered the American military into action in Libya.

In all of this, Barack Hussein Obama has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Wherefore, Barack Hussein Obama, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.


Written by Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney

Additions by

Barack Obama’s Dishonesty, Lies, Incompetence, Crimes, Misdeeds, and Scandals as President

Dishonesty and Lies:

“The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that’s also a hypocrite.”–Tennessee Williams

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”—Barack Obama