The So-Called Jenin “Massacre”: The Media at its Worst
April 19, 2012 10:57 by Simon Plosker
While Google searches are now personalized, for those of us who make it our business to see a broad range of Israel-related content online, a Google search will produce correspondingly broad results.
Typing in the search term “Jenin Massacre” into Google, the first six entries on my first page include only two sources which debunk this blood libel from ten years ago in April 2002 and one of those is an amateurish YouTube video. A relatively neutral Wikipedia entry on the events in Jenin is the top item followed by another Wikipedia entry focused on a propaganda film purporting to show the Palestinian “truth” surrounding Jenin.
There are two links in the Google search from mainstream media outlets covering the original story ten years ago. Both report that a massacre has allegedly been committed by IDF forces. Perhaps unsurprisingly these belong to:
- The Guardian: Israel faces rage over ‘massacre’
This serves as a demonstration of how a Big Lie can live on in perpetuity thanks to the archival power of the Internet even after it has been thoroughly debunked.
It also demonstrates, however, the importance of circulating accurate pro-Israel material online and ensuring that these materials are the first resource the casual Internet browser comes across when seeking information on the Middle East conflict.
This is why it is vital to monitor the media and correct the record as quickly as possible . Even after the initial flood of emails and protests to media outlets has died down, our media critiques and communiques remain online countering the anti-Israel media bias and the Big Lies. Our website has over a decade’s worth of material defending Israel against media bias.
Help promote this communique and the materials on Jenin so that they also appear high up in Google’s search engine as a counter to those sources that still promote the libel of the Jenin “massacre”. Links are one of the biggest factors in raising Google rankings. So please link to this content on Facebook, Google+, on your blog or other social media and help push the truth about Jenin up the rankings.
The Big Lies
HonestReporting’s interactive review contains case studies of several “Big Lies,” including Jenin – untrue accusations that were reported as fact. Each study has an introduction, an explanation of the lie, the lie reported in the media, and the actual facts of the case. Click on the image below to view “The Big Lies”.
Source material can be found at this site.