This latest amnesty initiative was published quietly by the Obama team in the Federal Register as a “Proposed Rule.” Under the new rule, illegal aliens with legal relatives (spouse, parent or child) in this country can claim “extreme hardship” and thus file for the Amnesty Waiver without having to leave the country.
The end result is that illegal aliens who could otherwise be subject to a 3- or 10-year ban on re-entry into the U.S. can apply for their waiver while remaining in the United States and only have to leave the U.S. for as little as one week instead of months or years.
Tell Obama You Oppose The New Amnesty Waiver
The Department of Homeland Security has opened up a formal comment period on this rule change through June 1, 2012. Grassfire Nation is collecting petitions from citizens who oppose this new Amnesty Waiver and will deliver petitions to DHS prior to the comments deadline.
Please sign the petition below by clicking here.
The Petition States:
As a concerned citizen, I am writing in opposition to the new proposed Department of Homeland Security Proposed Rule regarding “Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers” (published 4/2/12). This new Provisional Waiver actually grants illegal aliens temporary legal status in this country while their “provisional waiver” application is being processed and then puts the illegal alien on a fast-track to legal status. This is a reward for those who break our laws. It is expected that 1 million illegal aliens can gain a fast-track to legal status through this new provisional waiver. I oppose this and other efforts by the Obama Administration to weaken our immigration law and create a fast-track to legal status for lawbreaking illegal aliens.