Recently a courageous Pakistani Ex-Muslim Imran Firasat’s filed a petition to the Spanish government to ban the Qu’ran a book used by Muslims that also inspires terrorism. Many Muslims called Imran stupid, and said the Government of Spain is not going to entertain his petition and that they will tear and throw the petition away. A Muslim under the user name “Reader Muslim and Proud” on a website commented: “I think the government of Spain will take this muppet very seriously and they will ban the Holy Qur’an………not.”
The skeptics and Islamic zealots were dead wrong. There’s fantastic news for those, battling Islamic fascism. The Spain Parliament has officially admitted Imran’s petition to ban the Quran. A letter from the Parliament of Spain informed Imran that they have admitted the petition and sent to the “Constitutional Commission” of the Parliament for deliberation on it.
Although we have to wait for the ultimate outcome of the petition, and an outright ban on the Qu’ran is uncertain at this point, acceptance of the petition for consideration by the Spanish Parliament itself is a big step forward for those involved in the battle against Islamic fascism. Not many people would today believe that a parliament in a European country would even accept such a petition for consideration.Letter from Spanish Parliament: Quran ban petition admitted
An outright ban of the Quran may not be on the card as yet. But acceptance of the petition for consideration takes us to the next level, a big leap forward, toward condemnation of the violent Quran. And credits for this would go to the Spanish parliament as much as it would go to Imran Firasat.
A few weeks ago Imran handed over a formal document to the Ministry of the Presidency, the Congress of Representatives, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior, in which he presented 10 points to back his request:
1. The Quran is not a sacred and religious book, but a violent book, full of hatred and discrimination.
2. Quran is a horrible book which provokes a community it calls Muslims to undertake Jihad, kill innocent people and destroy the peace of the world.
3. The Quran is responsible for all the terrorism we have seen in recent years in which thousands of people lost their lives.
4. The Quran is a book which contains evil teachings and forces its believers to capture the entire world and total power at any price.
5. The Quran is a book which legally permits and incites hatred and violence, and for that reason it is not compatible with the modern world, including Spain.
6. The Quran is a book which directly discriminates between human beings.
7. The Quran is a book which does not allow either freedom of expression or religious freedom.
8. The Quran is a book which causes women to suffer and be tortured through the totality of its injustice and macho laws.
9. The Quran is a book which, rather than teaching unity, teaches disunity, and in this way does not allow its believers to form friendships with those who are not Muslims, because in the eyes of Quran they are infidels.
10. The Quran is a major threat to the free society of Spain. A book which clearly preaches the messages of jihad, killing, hate, discrimination and revenge. For that reason it cannot be compatible with the Spanish system in any sense. It is a book totally contrary to what the law and constitution of Spain say, and it incites hatred and violence in our country.