In 2007 Obama Condemned Trying “To Hide Behind Executive Privilege”

Fast and Furious was an American government program authored by the Obama administration to arm violent drug gangs in

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Brian Terry, a US Citizen Killed due to Obamas Fast and Furious Program

Mexico with American weapons. Assault rifles and deadly weapons were purchased from gun stores in Arizona and walked across the border to Mexico on purpose. This resulted in the death of scores of people, including U.S Citizen named Brian Terry, a border agent for our government.

A letter sent to President Barack Obama last week outlines why his invocation of executive privilege over documents sought by lawmakers investigating the botched Fast and Furious gun-running sting is either “overbroad, or simply wrong,” House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa said Sunday.

President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are acting like a couple of cornered rats by not clarifying the issues and releasing documents requested by Congress. Holder and Obama made no effort to track the weapons, the Mexican Government wasn’t involved in the program. Even after hundreds of Mexican citizens were killed Holder still refused to shut the program down.

Obama in 2007 told CNN that Executive Priviledge was not a good reason to with hold information from Congress. This month in a hypocritical stance, Obama used executive privilege to shield documents from the GOP-led investigation into the botched Fast and Furious operation in Mexico.


[youtube bpwYh9TD6Nc nolink]

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