If one thing is predictable about mass shootings, is that they will spark arguments from gun control advocates. The gun issue proponents will view this week’s tragedy in Colorado as one more example of why more
Yesterday a lone gunman dressed head to foot in body armor and brandishing three weapons, including an assault rifle, opened fire in a Colorado theater. A sold out crow with families and children at a midnight showing of the Batman movie “The Dark Knight Rises” in a Denver suburb early Friday morning, killing at least 12 people and wounding 59 others, police and federal officials said.
The news sounding more like something out of drug infested Mexico than something that would happen in Colorado. The tragic event this week will certainly lead the left to call for gun control laws. What is needed is the exact opposite.
Gun laws need to be loosened, and permits to carry more easily available. Had there been a few dozen permit holders in this theater this week, they could have took down this assaulter in a counterattack, instead they were helpless and could only hope they would not become a statistic.
Criminals always have gun’s, there will always be a black market for that. Plus many in charge of our government are doing little to close our porous borders where drug lords run around shooting up cities and people at will. Besides the pathetic fact our government armed some of those drug lords in Obama’s Fast and Furious scandal. Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, and the most violent crime incidents in the world as well, only unstable Islamic countries are more dangerous than Mexico.
Yes Mexico the country with drug lords armed to the max has one of the strictest gun laws in the world. It is in many ways similar to the United Kingdom, except Mexico is has much more severe prison terms for even the smallest gun law violations. These laws did nothing to stop the out of control violence leading to numerous travel warnings to US citizens planning to vacation in Mexico.
Firearms in Norway are also regulated by the Firearm Weapons Act, these gun control laws did little to nothing in last year’s killing of 77 people in Norway, which like the rest of Europe has much tighter controls on guns than the United States, this is clear evidence that gun laws don’t stop such tragedies, but armed citizens can.
In the United Kingdom strict gun laws were put in place in 1997 and handgun were banned. The results is that gun crime in England and Wales nearly doubled in the four years from 1998-99 to 2002-03. Crime was not supposed to rise after handguns were banned in 1997.
Yet, since 1996 the serious violent crime rate has soared by 69%: robbery is up by 45% and murders up by 54%. The criminals run free and armed while under the security of knowing the innocent citizens are unable to arm or protect themselves. Taking both Canada and Britain into account, both with tough gun-control laws, almost half of all burglaries occur when residents are home. In the United States, where many households contain guns, only 13 percent of burglaries happen when someone’s is at home.
The U.S. was at a time making is easier for individuals’ abilities to carry guns a while back. Thirty-seven of the 50 states now have so-called right-to-carry laws that let law-abiding adults carry concealed handguns once they pass a criminal background check and pay a fee. Only half the states require some training, usually around three to five hours’ worth.
The results is that crime has fallen even faster in these right to carry states than the national average. Overall, the states in the U.S. that have experienced the fastest growth rates in gun ownership during the 1990s have experienced the biggest drops in murder rates and other violent crimes. The criminals think twice about with when confronted with an armed society.
Guns in the U.S are here to stay, the borders are wide open, anyone can get a gun through with or without laws in the states. Criminals will have access to gun, the only counter is to allow citizens the right to protection as well. Guns are constitutionally mandated, to think if our founding fathers were not allowed guns the United States would have never become independent. The founding fathers were very aware of this and made it a right, knowing not only does it keep the criminals I check knowing they are armed, but the government as well.
If we want to look at real life examples, let’s take Switzerland. Switzerland has one of the highest militia gun ownership rates in the world. Guns are issued by the Swiss government as the citizens are the standing military if invaded. The rate of killings or attempted killings with firearms in Switzerland at about one for every quarter million residents yearly, therefore they have one of the lowest gun related crimes in the world.
There are few criminal events as stunning and frightening as a mass shooting this week. The suddenness, randomness and unpredictability of episodes like Friday’s early morning massacre at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater cause us all to wonder whether any place is safe anymore. Citizens need to have the means to protect themselves during such events.