Cloakroom: They’re Back!

House Cloakroom: September 10 – September 14

Analysis: Both Houses of Congress return this week to tackle welfare policy, farm policies, and appropriations for the government. On September 30, the 2012 fiscal year will end, and the government will run out of funding without Congress acting. Because they did not complete all of the necessary appropriations bills, there will likely be a continuing resolution to fund the government into next year. The authorization for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program expires on September 30, as well as the 2008 farm bill, which provides for massive agricultural subsidies and nutrition assistance programs. These issues will likely be dealt with in some form during this short period before Congress recesses again to campaign before the election.

Major Floor Action:

  • HR 5949 – FISA Amendments Act Reauthorization Act of 2012
  • HR 6213 – No More Solyndras Act
  • Continuing Resolution

Major Committee Action:

  • The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold a hearing on the Inspector General Report on Fast and Furious.
  • The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee will hold a hearing to “Review Amtrak Operations.”
  • The House Foreign Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on “China as an Emerging Power in South China Seas.”
  • The House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on “Questioning Presidential Authority.”

Senate Cloakroom: September 10 – September 14

Analysis: In addition to all of the issues listed above, the Senate is returning this week to debate a jobs bill for veterans. The bill provides funding for temporary job programs for veterans.

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Major Floor Action:

  • S 3457 – Veterans Jobs Corps Act of 2012

Major Committee Action:

  • The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing on the Nuclear Waste Administration Act.
  • The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on “Citizens United Court and Importance of Voting Rights Act.”
  • The Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Development Committee will hold a hearing on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Report to Congress.
  • The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on the “Future of the General Services Administration.”

Source material can be found at this site.

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