40 Mainstream Media Headlines You’d See if Romney was a Democrat and Obama was a Republican

1) Mr. Fixit vs. Mr. Broke-It: The Successful CEO vs. the President Who Never Had a Real Job

2) Black Leaders on Obama: We’re Still Waiting for the First Real Black President

3) Can Mitt Romney Do for Mormons What JFK Did for Catholics?

4) Experts Say Obama’s Bizarre, Disconnected Behavior May Have Been Caused By His Strange Upbringing

5) The Presidency is Just the Next Logical Step in Mitt Romney’s Lifetime of Service

6) Why is Barack Obama So Angry?

7) Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: The Best Looking Combination Ever to Run for President?

8) More Deaths in Afghanistan; New Grim Milestone Reached

9) Is Mitt Romney the Only Man Who Can Fix the Damage Done to America’s Economy Over the Last Four Years?

10) Solyndra Nation: How the Taxpayers are Being Pilfered to Pay Off Obama’s Political Cronies

11) Mitt Romney: Is He the Smartest Man Ever to Run for President?

12) Barack Obama: Setting Black Americans Back Fifty Years?

13) Soldiers in the Field Say They Want Romney as Their Commander-in-Chief

14) Obama: Just Not Smart Enough to be President?

15) Should Obama Even Run for Reelection?

16) Obama Golfs While Soldiers Die

17) Gold Star Mom: Obama is Responsible for my Son’s Death

18) Obama’s Libyan war: Would We Be There if There Were No Oil?

19) Dog Lovers Across Country Horrified by Stories About Obama Eating Dog

20) Activists Demand That Obama Be Brought Before War Crimes Tribunal

21) Oil Industry Still Hasn’t Recovered From Obama’s Mishandling of the BP Oil Spill

22) Barack Obama: Bad for Women?

23) Is Barack Obama’s Cold, Distant Personality Hurting His Re-Election Chances?

24) Middle East Situation Prompts Comparison to Iran in 1979.

25) Economy Poised to Collapse Back Into Recession in 2013

26) Only An Investigation By A Special Prosecutor Can Restore Confidence in the Justice Department

27) Barack Obama’s Stunning Record of Failure: A Special 12 Part Series

28) Obama and Nixon: How Executive Orders Have Been Used To Cover Up Scandals

29) Romney Poised to Make History by Becoming First Mormon President

30) Man-on-the-Street Interviews: People Who’ve Been Jobless for a Year Weigh in on the President

31) The Pothead President: Does Having Obama in the White House Set a Good Example for America’s Youth?

32) Mitt Romney: Too Good to be True?

33) Barack Obama’s Deficit Spending: Does It Mean the End of the American Dream?

34) Is Criticism of Mitt Romney Based on Hatred on Mormons?

35) Republican Hopes for Obama Victory Dwindle as Grim Economic News Mounts

36) Is Romney America’s Last, Best Hope of America’s Middle Class?

37) Historians Rank Barack Obama as Worst President in American History

38) Ann Romney: America’s Mom?

39) Will Michelle Obama’s Nagging About Vegetables Turn Off Voters?

40) Mitt Romney: Mother Teresa With a Bigger House?

John Hawkins is a professional writer who runs Right Wing News, Linkiest, and PicaQuote. He’s also the co-owner of the The Looking Spoon. You can read more from John Hawkins on Facebook, Twitter, G+, Pinterest, and at Pajamas Media.

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