Obama’s ‘Allah’ ring grabs public attention

Barack Obama has not been having a good month. First, there were the attacks on our embassies around the world. Then there was his

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Zoomed in: Obama wedding ring photo No. 1, Huffington Post, March 18, 2010

lackluster debate. Now, the ring on his left ring finger is causing even more problems.

The Western Center for Journalismreported on October 10 that Barack Obama has worn a ring for more than 30 years with the inscription, in Arabic, “There is no God except Allah.” Photographs show that Barack Obama wore this ring, at the least since the 1980s, when he was a student.

The “there is no God accept Allah” ring is the same ring used during his wedding in 1992. It is unknown why Barack Obama used a ring he had worn for about a decade as his wedding band.

Islamic experts and Arabic-language experts say that “there is no God except Allah” is the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith. This declaration of faith is also known as the “Shahada.”

It seems odd that this information would be released with less a month left before the election. It appears that the sources of this information would have come forward a long time ago instead of waiting until the middle of October in a presidential election year. Of course, it is possible those sources didn’t feel the information was important or it slipped their minds.

Regardless of the reasons as to why this information was made public at this time is controversial. Nevertheless, the information is available to anyone who is interested and it is up to the individual how to interpret it.

The Saudi-owned paper Al-Arabiya has also picked up this story.

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