The people who shot this video decided to conduct a social studies experiment and see what sort of reaction Israeli Flags would provoke among the students at Fordson High in Dearborn Michigan. He wasn’t disappointed. The mere sight of the flags resulted in a violent response from these “All American High Schoolers”.
In his own words….
On 9-14-2012 Dearborn Fordson High School principal called the police on me for driving with 2 Israeli flags on my truck.
The Dearborn police were one car behind me when this student threw a bottle on my windshield. The police did not stop the student, but instead stopped me for 30 minutes asking me why I would display Israeli flags on my truck.
The Fordson High principal filed an incident report and so did I. However, Dearborn police refuse to release either report.
Incident #: 12-49143
Incident #: 12-49503
Doctor My Eyes: Israeli Flags Are Now “Incitement” In Dearborn Michigan
[youtube 0BXluHiavys nolink]