Best Romney Speech Ever!

Many a truth is said in jest. Tonight at the Annual Al Smith Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel…… Mitt bested Obama. Mitt channelled Carson,

Obama ….. Willy Loman

Mitt Romney, Barack Obama to trade jabs at Al Smith dinner

The two presidential candidates took a break from the caustic criticism of the campaign trail to score political points with biting humor last night in New York City.

President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney peeled off the stump Thursday to attend the annual Al Smith Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. During presidential election years, the event brings the candidates to the same stage to trade barbs and self-deprecating zingers as the race enter its final weeks.

The white-tie affair raises millions for the Gov. Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation and is organized by the Catholic Archdiocese of New York to benefit needy children.

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