Krauthammer: No Israel Supporters Will Vote For Obama

Fox News panelist and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer back in July declared that no one who is pro-Israel will vote for President Barack Obama in the upcoming elections unless they have “been in a coma for three-and-a-half years.”

Krauthammer made his observation on the heels of Obama signing a $70 million bill in approved funding for Israel’s “Iron Dome” rocket defense system, saying it would not be enough to persuade pro-Israel voters to support the incumbent in the November elections.

“No, unless he’s been in a coma for three-and-half years,“ Krauthammer said on ”Special Report with Bret Baier.“

”Obama is simply here continuing the military cooperation that we’ve had with Israel for decades, but on life and death political issues — stopping Iran’s nuclear program which is closer than ever to completion, to pressing Israel to return to the ‘67 lines and to the way he’s insulted and marginalized Israel’s elected leaders — I think his record on Israel is a poor one, it’s not going to change anybody[‘s mind], clearly aimed at deflecting the attention Romney will get in Israel tomorrow,” he said.

President Obama has not visited the Jewish state since taking office.

Source material can be found at this site.

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