Lunch with Heritage Google Hangout on the “War on Women”

Our weekly “Lunch with Heritage” chats have grown over the past two years into a vibrant discussion of policy issues. Today we’re introducing a new way for you to engage with us by making them Google Hangouts. They will still be every Friday at noon ET. Adding a video element gives you a new way to interact with our experts.

Joining us on this Friday at noon ET will be Jennifer Marshall, director of Heritage’s DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society. She will be taking your questions about the so-called “War on Women.” Liberals invented the catchy phrase in response to the controversial Health and Human Services anti-conscience mandate. Marshall will also take your questions on what Americans can do to get back to a civil society and policies that empower women along with everyone else.

Join us on the Foundry, on YouTube, or on Google+ at noon ET on Friday. If you would like to ask a question leave a comment on the blog, or leave a comment on our Google+ page during the live event. We hope you can join us!

Source material can be found at this site.

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