America and the EU must Fully Support Israel

By Peter Paton

It would be a grave political and strategic mistake by America, Britain, France, Germany and others to take any diplomatic action against our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel, over their legal decision to build houses beyond the Green Line, as defined by the Levy Commission,  which stipulates the stipulation that Jews are not occupiers in Judea and Samaria. Netanyahu and his Coalition Government have a legal and moral right to begin building throughout the entire country to provide houses for the expanding population, just like any other democratic country in existence.

Israel has repeatedly signaled to the PA and the World it’s willingness and amenity to hold direct peace negotiations with the Palestinians without preconditions, but the intransigent Abbas has failed to play ball with the Israelis. Perhaps it is now time that the International Community encouraged Abbas to stand down on health and age grounds, and allowed the more flexible and able Palestinian Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad take over his role as Mediator between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

The Israelis may move along with Marco Aguinis’s  Peace Plan which is arguably the best and fairest plan for both parties in the dispute.

There is no basis from which to differentiate between the Holocaust denier in Ramallah (Abbas), who needs to be cultivated for talks, and the terrorists from Gaza who can’t be negotiated with. The PLO is no different from Hamas.They are both terrorist organizations, and Israel should not be forced by the International Community either to negotiate with terrorists who do not renounce violence, nor recognize the Jewish State’s Right to Exist.

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It would send the wrong signal to the West and the Free World, especially after the Gaza War, that Terrorism pays, and especially after Abu Mazen and the Palestinians broke their solemn word on Direct Negotiations with the Israelis, by going to the UN and obtaining UN Non Membership Upgrade Status.  The November 29, 2012 UN vote to upgrade the Palestinian Authority (PA) to a “non-member observer state” – in violation of the 1993 Oslo Accords – was an expected derivative of Israel’s policy towards the PA since 1993 – critical concessions, retreats, indecisiveness, submission to pressure and appeasement. Abu Mazen has demonstrated time and time again that he is not a willing partner for Peace with Israel,  and who will not recognize Israel as a Jewish State. The West fails to understand Israel’s quagmire in attempting to deal with, as well as financially prop up the Palestinian Authority while taking much of, if not all of the flack for the failure of peace negotiations. Any coercion by America and the West to impose Sanctions on Israel for building on their own Jewish Land is tantamount to betrayal of an Ally by them.

The Israelis already have two Terror States on their borders in the shape of Gaza
and the West Bank, with hundreds of rockets raining down on Israeli heads. Why reward Abu Mazen and the Terrorists with a Third Terror State in Judea and Samaria ? That would inevitably lead to the Destruction Of Israel. It is time the West and EU got their priorities sorted out and decided which side  they are on, because it does not look from any neutral point of view, that they are on the side of Right and their greatest Middle East Ally Israel, who are the First Line of Defense for the West from Islamic Terrorism.

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Israel is a tiny democratic strip of a country ring fenced by hostile Arab Nations who are hell bent in wiping the Jews off the face of the earth, and the object of the Arabs nefarious exercise is to do nothing on the Negotiations side with Israel, knowing that the politically correct America and the West, will impose by De Facto another Terror State on the State of Israel based on the indefensible 1967 Auschwitz Lines, with East Jerusalem surrendered to the Arabs as proposed by Obama.

Israel should embrace the former Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy ReportThe July 2012 report reconfirmed that according to international law, Judea and Samaria are not “occupied territory,” since no foreign entity was sovereign in the area in 1967. The 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention is not applicable since it prohibits the coerced transfer of people to settlements, while Israeli settlers have settled of their own volition. Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria are legal. The Jewish State’s historical and legal rights in Judea and Samaria are based on the 1922 British Mandate. These rights were preserved by Article 80 of the U.N. Charter, which provides continuity of Jewish rights in the Jewish Homeland. And, the report calls on Israel to allow construction in the settlements, enabling Israelis to directly purchase land in Judea and Samaria.

Any punitive diplomatic measures visited upon the State of Israel by the EU, would be a political and strategic miscalculation of monumental proportions, that nor only would incur the righteous wrath and ire of the Jewish God upon them, but would more than likely drive the Israelis into the hands of Super Powers Russia, China and India, and create an insolvable and irretrievable situation for America and the EU.

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Peter Paton is an International PR and Strategic Adviser

Follow Peter on Twitter @pjpaton

Posted in Freedoms, Israel, Terrorism.