We’ve asked Brittney Morrett of the Libre Initiative and Kristina Arriaga of the Becket Fund to join us. The English version of the podcast can be found here. For the Spanish half of the program, click here.
You won’t want to miss this podcast as we discuss how conservatives can better communicate our policies and ideas to the fastest-growing demographic in the country with Israel Ortega, editor of Libertad.org, The Heritage Foundation’s Spanish-language website.
Brittney Morrett of the Libre Initiative offers a fresh perspective on this topic, including how grassroots organizing played a major role in the President’s campaign to persuade Hispanic voters to support him and his policies.
Following the President’s re-election, threats to religious liberty will only continue to encroach on the rights of Americans. The recent actions by the U.N., the Obamacare mandate, and attempts to redefine marriage have contributed to attacks not only on religious liberty but also freedom of conscience. As the Supreme Court takes up the cases regarding the Defense of Marriage Act, we invite Kristina Arriaga, executive director of the Becket Fund, to discuss the current threats to the freedom of conscience and religious liberty in the Spanish half of the program.
Source material can be found at this site.