Obama : Sent Radical Muslim Cleric to condemn Seal Team 6 to hell during Funeral (May 10, 2013)
[youtube h19hcDRvKj8 nolink]
As the Benghazi massacre cover up continues to make news President Obama has found himself in extremely hot water. In a video posted by theunitedwest the Imam in the video was allowed to pray over dead American soldiers bodies. In the controversial prayer the Imam damned the men to hell at their own funeral.
In the video below the prayer was translated into English. You will be able to hear and know just what was said during the prayer at the memorial service.
[youtube m-fLvgA9Aqs nolink]
Watch these Navy SEAL Team VI families and other family members as they reveal the Obama Administrations culpability in death of their sons in the fatal helicopter crash in Afghanistan following the successful raid on bin Laden’s compound. This is a powerful and riveting briefing that included some of America’s most significant military leaders.
[youtube rqtJrJ40Cio nolink]