Muslim Heinous Acts of Beheading in the West

by Daniel Pipes
May 23, 2013
Cross-posted from National Review Online, The Corner

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Michael Adebolajo after murdering Lee Rigby on May 22, 2013, near London.

The gruesome murder yesterday of a soldier outside London by a Muslim convert, Michael Adebolajo, brings to mind that throat slitting and beheading are Islamically sanctioned forms of execution. Although these occur particularly often in the course of family-related crimes – think, for example, of the case of Aasiya Hassan in suburban Buffalo, N.Y., killed by her husband in 2009, stabbed with two hunting knives more than forty times in the face, back and chest, then beheaded – this monstrous form of violence is also used in non-family instances. Some of those that took place over the past decade in the West in chronological order include:

This gruesome list (to be updated as needed) is only part of the story: other characteristically Muslim crimes taking place in Western countries include honor killings, female genital mutilation, and slave holding. These, sadly, are among Islam’s contributions to the lands of immigration. (May 23, 2013)

Source material can be found at this site.

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