Did Eric Holder lie under oath?

It’s being asked: Did Eric Holder lie under oath during his congressional testimony last Wednesday?

Here’s part of Holder’s sworn testimony:

In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material. This is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy.

Fast forward to this headline from NBC News last week:

DOJ confirms Holder OK’d search warrant for Fox News reporter’s emails.

If the reports are correct that Holder signed off on the Rosen warrant — which listed the Fox News reporter as a possible criminal “co-conspirator” — then Holder lied to congress… under oath.

I’m sure Holder will get to the bottom of this when he investigates himself asordered by the president.

RB at The Right Sphere:

I’m sure Holder and his allies will say that they never intended to prosecute Rosen, but that’s 1) not the point and 2) even worse. If that’s their defense, they knowingly lied to the judge who would, hopefully, reject the request if they admitted it was just a fishing expedition for information.

They’re stuck. Either he (by signing the request for the records) lied to the judge or Holder lied directly to Congress.

Your move, Darrell Issa.

Meanwhile, calls for Holder to resign are coming in Fast & Furious. Et tu,HuffPo?

In Case You Missed It:  FBI leadership engaged in perjury and election Interference Regarding Disinformation on Trump Shooter
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