As a major focus of its Ramadan activities, the Palestinian Authority chose to honor and glorify terrorist murderers.
In all, 22 terrorist murderers who killed 238 Israelis were glorified, along with numerous other terrorists who caused injuries. Those honored included suicide bombers, bomb makers, hijackers, snipers, stabbers, and planners of terror attacks. Palestinian Media Watch has reported that many of them have been honored numerous times in the past for their terror attacks.
Terrorists responsible for horrific attacks were honored, including Dalal Mughrabi, whose bus hijacking left 37 killed, Abdallah Barghouti, who planned and made explosives for suicide bombings that killed 67, Raed Al-Houtari, who recruited 2 suicide bombers for the Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing that killed 22 young people and others. The PA’s terror glorification during Ramadan was not related to Israel’s release of 26 terrorists from prison.
Most days during Ramadan, PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake and other officials made at least one publicized visit, sometimes televised, to the home of one of the terrorists. PA TV had numerous programs honoring terrorists and Fatah honored terrorists by posting their pictures on Facebook, glorifying the terrorists and their terror attacks.
PA TV broadcast the words of Fatah leader, Tayseer Al-Bardini, about the visits and gatherings in honor of the terrorists, because the PA “extols” the acts of terror they committed:
“These gatherings of solidarity [for prisoners] are just a reminder that there are heroes… These heroes who we are talking about, they are the ones whose actions we extol.”
[Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 24, 2013]
PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa Karake said:
“The purpose of this visit during this month (Ramadan) is to emphasize the loyalty and love to the prisoners.”
[Al-Ayyam, July 16, 2013]
The following is the list of terrorists honored by the PA during the Ramadan period, with a brief description of some of their terror activities, for which they are being honored:
Name of terrorist:
Abdallah Barghouti
Crime description:
Prepared explosives for terror attacks in which 67 people were murdered – Sbarro restaurant (15 killed, Aug. 9, 2001), Sheffield Club (15 killed, May 7, 2002), Moment Café (11 killed, March 9, 2002), triple attack at Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall (11 killed, Dec. 1, 2001), Hebrew University (9 killed, July 1, 2002), and Bus 4 in Tel Aviv (6 killed, Sept. 19, 2002).
No. killed:
67 people
67 life sentences
Means of honor:
Fatah’s Facebook page “The Main Page” posted his picture and glorified him. It listed 5 of the suicide bombings he participated in, specifying for each one: “killed 15 Zionists”; “killed 11 Zionists”; “killed 15 Zionists,” etc., adding up to a total of 61 “killed Zionists.” He was called the “heroic prisoner.”
Facebook page, “Fatah – The Main Page,” July 22, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Dalal Mughrabi
Killed during her terror attack.
Crime description:
She and other terrorists hijacked a bus in 1978.
No. killed:
37 civilians (12 of them children)
Means of honor:
Facebook, “Fatah – The Main Page,” Aug. 2, 2013 and July 29, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Muhammad Imran
Crime description:
One of the planners of the Moment Café suicide bombing on March 9, 2002, the Hebrew University suicide bombing on July 31, 2002 and the Sheffield Club suicide bombing on May 7, 2002, in which he gave the suicide bomber the explosive belt.
No. killed:
35 people
37 life sentences
Means of honor:
PA TV program For You dedicated an episode to the terrorist.
His brother: “I haven’t found words in the dictionary with which I can define Muhammad Imran as he truly deserves… Our dictionary is unable to describe the heroism of these people.
His son said he is “proud of him always.”
His wife said he is “brave” and “noble.”
His daughter: “My father is a man who can’t be described with words. A very great man and a distinguished hero. I’m very proud of my father in public and I always see him as a supreme example and as a role model for me.”
His second daughter: “He’s a warrior and a Jihad fighter and I’m proud of him in public and he makes us proud.”
Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 25, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Raed Al-Houtari
Crime description:
Recruited 2 suicide bombers to bomb the Dolphinarium Disco in Tel Aviv.
No. killed:
23 teenagers and young adults
22 life sentences
Means of honor:
Visit to his home by PA TV program.
Daughter: “I am proud he is in prison and that he is a hero.”
Brother-in-law: “You raised our heads high.”
Official Palestinian Authority TV, Aug. 10, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Ahmad Salah
Crime description:
Involved in the suicide attacks on two buses in Jerusalem, Jan. 29, 2003 and Feb. 22, 2004.
No. killed:
19 people
21 life sentences
Means of honor:
Visit to his home by PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake.
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 14, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Ahmad Jabara Abu Sukkar
Died recently. Was released from prison in 2003 as part of a goodwill gesture from Israel to the PA.
Crime description:
Planned 1975 bombing – a refrigerator filled with explosives was detonated in central Jerusalem.
No. killed:
15 people
1 life sentence plus 30 years
Means of honor:
Described on PA TV by Fatah leader as: “A hero among the heroes of Fatah operations,’ specifically the hero of the ‘Refrigerator Operation.’”
Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 24, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Hilmi Hammash
Crime description:
Aided suicide bombing on bus in Jerusalem,
Jan. 29, 2004.
No. killed:
11 people
12 life sentences
Means of honor:
Visit to his home by PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake.
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 14, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Thaer Hammad
Crime description:
Opened fire with sniper’s rifle from a hill at soldiers and civilians (in Wadi Al-Haramiya, West Bank) on March 3, 2002.
No. killed:
10 people (7 soldiers, 3 civilians)
11 life sentences
Means of honor:
Called “hero” on PA TV by member of Fatah Leadership, Tayseer Al-Bardini, for “kiilling a group of Zionists with his old rifle.”
Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 24, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Mundhir Snobar
Crime description:
Transported a suicide bomber to his attack at the Geha junction east of Tel Aviv in December 2003.
No. killed:
4 people
4 life sentences plus 30 years
Means of honor:
TV program For You dedicated an episode to the terrorist. The terrorist was called “the brave prisoner.”
Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 18, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Muhammad Adel Daoud
Crime description:
Murdered Ofra Moses, who was pregnant, and her 5 year-old son, Tal Moses, by throwing a Molotov cocktail at their car on April 11, 1987.
No. killed:
2 people and an unborn baby
1 life sentence
Means of honor:
Visit to home by PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa Karake.
Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 15, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Issa Abd Rabbo
Crime description:
Murdered 2 Israeli university students who were hiking south of Jerusalem. At gun point he tied them up, put bags over their heads and then shot and murdered both.
No. killed:
2 people
2 life sentences
Means of honor:
Visit to home by PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa Karake.
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 14, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Brothers Ziyad Mahmoud Ghanimat and Mustafa Ghanimat
Crime description:
Murdered 2 people in 1985 in the Masua forest, near the city of Beit Shemesh.
No. killed:
2 people
1 life sentence each
Means of honor:
Visit to home by PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake along with PA officials.
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 1, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Ayyat Al-Akhras
Killed during her terror attack
Crime description:
She carried out a suicide bombing near a Jerusalem supermarket on March 29, 2002.
No. killed:
2 people
Means of honor:
She was honored in two pictures posted on Fatah’s Facebook page (The Main Page) during Ramadan. One picture called her and other terrorists “stars that shone in the sky of the revolution.” The other picture called her “the [female] master of the world.”
Facebook, “Fatah – The Main Page,” Aug. 2, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Tareq Salim Abdallah Yassin
Killed during his terror attack
Crime description:
Shooting attack at the Kissufim Road leading into the Gaza Strip on July 24, 2005.
No. killed:
2 people
Means of honor:
The social committee of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades paid a visit to the terrorist’s home describing him as a “hero.” They broadcast a poster with pictures of the terrorist, Mahmoud Abbas and Yasser Arafat. He was described as a “pure soul.”
Source:, July 23, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Crime description:
Murdered two Israelis in June 2003.
No. killed:
2 people
3 life sentences
Means of honor:
Visit to home by Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake and his entourage.
Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 28, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Wafa Idris
Killed during her terror attack
Crime description:
She was the first Palestinian female suicide bomber. She carried out her attack in Jerusalem in 2002. As a volunteer for the Palestinian Red Crescent, she bypassed Israeli security and entered Jerusalem in a Palestinian ambulance.
No. killed:
1 person
Means of honor:
Fatah’s Facebook page “The Main Page” posted her picture along with three other terrorists and called them “starts that shone in the sky of the revolution.”
Facebook, “Fatah – The Main Page,” Aug. 2, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Muhammad Falana
Crime description:
He and an accomplice placed a bomb.
No. killed:
1 person
1 life sentence
Means of honor:
Visit to home by PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affaris Issa Karake and a delegation from the Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs.
Ma’an, Palestinian news agency, July 24, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Nasser Barham
Crime description:
Murdered his employer, Moshe Edri on Nov. 24, 1993 in order to join Hamas.
No. killed:
1 person
1 life sentence
Means of honor:
Home visit by PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake and a number of PA officials.
Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 28, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Abd Al-Rahman Yusuf Mahmoud Al-Haj
Crime description:
Stabbed woman to death and attempted to murder and wounded her father and daughter, Feb. 21, 1993.
No. killed:
1 person
1 life sentence plus 20 years
Means of honor:
The terrorist’s family received a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs describing the terrorist as a “hero”:
“Dedication: The Minister of Prisoners’ and Released Prisoners’ Affairs
In recognition and pride
Of the brave prisoner
Abd Al-Rahman Mahmoud Al-Haj
The Ministry of Prisoners’ and Released Prisoners’ Affairs.”
Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 29, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Muhammad Nasr
Crime description:
No. killed:
1 person
1 life sentence
Means of honor:
Visit to home by PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs and a delegation from the Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs.
Ma’an, Palestinian news agency, July 24, 2013
Name of terrorist:
Darin Abu Aisheh
Killed during her terror attack
Crime description:
Carried out a suicide bombing in 2002.
No. killed:
2 injured
Means of honor:
Fatah’s Facebook page “The Main Page” posted her picture along with three other terrorists and called them “starts that shone in the sky of the revolution.”
Facebook, “Fatah – The Main Page,” Aug. 2, 2013
Reprinted from Palestinian Media Watch.