Taxpayers spent $634,320,919 for a contractor to build the glitch-prone website only to watch it become a colossal failure (much like the rest of Obamacare).
Yesterday, we poked fun with a parody video. Today, Twitter erupted with it’s own mocking of the President’s health-care law. The hashtag #MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare began trending this afternoon with people explaining what they thought was more successful than Obamacare.
Here are a few of the highlights:
#MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare The XFL
— GenOpportunity (@GenOpportunity) October 10, 2013
#MoreSuccessfulThanObamaCare – Inhofe’s heart surgery. Up working more quickly than ObamaCare website after needing fix. — Inhofe Press Office (@InhofePress) October 10, 2013
#MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare This guy. — — Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) October 10, 2013
#MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare Ryan Leaf #tcot — Micah Witherspoon (@MAWitherspoonJr) October 10, 2013
#MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare stairs… leading nowhere… #tcot — atomiktiger (@atomiktiger) October 10, 2013
New Coke #MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare — Sam Valley (@SamValley) October 10, 2013
#MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare Shaq at the freethrow line
— Josh Behm (@JoshBehm) October 10, 2013
#MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare Taylor Swift’s relationships
— DirectionerForever:) (@_Directioner74_) October 10, 2013
#MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare The Delorean
— KBB (@keil_) October 10, 2013
Pierce Morgan’s debate performance against @benshapiro #MoreSuccessfulThanObamacare #tcot #UniteBlue
— Juan Ramirez (@qb_ramirez) October 10, 2013
These are obviously in good fun, but the fact remains that Obamacare is unfair, unaffordable, and unworkable. It needs to be defunded.
*We apologize for any fans of sports teams mentioned that we may have offended.
Source material can be found at this site.