Pro-Obamacare Group Gets $1 Million to Pitch "Success" Stories to Media

Obamacare horror stories have outnumbered successes, even in the liberal mainstream media. But that may soon change now that a pro-Obamacare group is getting $1 million to provide journalists more favorable stories about the President’s health care law.

The liberal organization Families USA received a $1 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the largest philanthropy group in the United States devoted to health care, in October to find “good news” stories about Obamacare, according to TIME.

“The purpose is to bridge the information gap for people who can significantly benefit from the Affordable Care Act,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA, told TIME. “Too many people who can benefit enormously are unaware of it.”

Even though journalists sometimes refer to Families USA as an “independent” group, it “is extremely close to the Obama Administration and Enroll America,” reports Capitol City Project. Just recently, three media outlets have cited Families USA’s studies to argue Obamacare is not a failure.

Families USA does not hide its support for Obamacare. Pollock serves on the board of directors of Enroll America and was instrumental in the group’s creation. Enroll America, recently the focus of undercover Project Veritas videos, is dedicated to signing up Americans for Obamacare.

Meanwhile, the current president and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, is on President Obama’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. And a trustee member of the foundation, Nancy-Ann DeParle, severed as White House deputy chief of staff for policy and previously as Obama’s health care czar.

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