A report issued by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows that gun bans result in higher murder rates.
The report looks at the January 1997 “handgun ban in England and Wales” to substantiate this.
Between the time of that ban and 2012, the “homicides rates” rose, exponentially at times, and fell, but they only fell to a level lower than 1996 rates in one year–and that was 2010. Studies that claim “success” for the handgun ban are frequently an outworking of crime numbers that have been manipulated to make the ban look effective.
Breitbart News reported on this manipulation on October 18, showing that there are certain “bureaucratically designated ‘targets'”–or “thresholds”–which a crime in Britain has to meet before it is even reported as a crime to begin with.
On top of this, the CPRC report shows that some Home Office reports to Parliament have blatantly stated that homicide numbers “exclude any cases which do not result in conviction, or where the person is not prosecuted on ground of self-defense or otherwise.”
The report shows what such an approach to reporting would like in the U.S., where there were 14,827 murders in 2012. That figure represents a ratio of 4.7 murders per every 100,000 citizens. There were only 7,133 arrests tied to these murders. Using “only the people who were arrested (not just convicted) would lower the U.S. murder rate to 2.26 per 100,000.”
The CPRC report also shows that the murder rates in Chicago and D.C. remain high “relative to the other nine largest cities” in the U.S., even though gun control has long been a tool used by lawmakers and law enforcement in both.