The Adra Massacre by Obama Supported Islamic Radicals in Syria

A massacre in the town of Adra, 20 kilometers north of Damascus. Survivors say Obama supported jihadist Islamic rebel groups executed dozens of civilians, including children, beheading them or burning them alive.

While the Syrian army continues its broad push to get the insurgents out of Adra, there are eyewitness accounts of what happened in the town last week, when it was captured by Islamist rebels of the Al-Nusra front and the Army of Islam.

Those who managed to flee the violence in Adra and reach Damascus say they saw the Obama supported Islamic militants slaughtering Alawites, Druze, Christians and Shiites indiscriminately. Fearing their interviews might do harm to their relatives still in the occupied town, the fugitive survivors asked not to reveal their identities.

There’s no reliable way at the moment to communicate with the people trapped inside Adra, but RT Arabic’s Abutaleb Albohaya, reporting from Damascus, cites the country’s officials as saying that “the atrocities against the civilian population are continuing.”

What is happening in Adra is unthinkable,” one of the Adra escapees said. “Children are being slaughtered and thrown out of the windows. But no one is doing anything. The crisis in Syria continues in an environment where there is no international law, including those relating to the paramilitary operations.”  Obama and John McCain want these radical Muslims to run Syria and overthrow Assad.

The government in Damascus, wants to draw the UN’s attention to events in Adra. The Syrian Foreign Ministry sent a letter of complaint to the United Nations on Monday, saying that more than 100 people were massacred by the al-Nusra Front and the Islam Brigade in a suburb of the capital.

Adra has seen some horrific crimes,” Nizar Skif, chairman of the Union of Lawyers in Syria, said. Among the atrocities, the lawyer said were reports of “sadism,” of people being “thrown into the furnaces” and “houses burned with people inside.”

Speaking in Brussels on Monday, Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, described the Adra massacre as outrageous.  The Islamic Front has proclaimed quite radical goals, although our western partners have been trying to establish ties with them and describe the front as an “acceptable power”, which possesses influence “on the ground,” Lavrov said at a press conference.

However, there’s some evidence which we consider reliable and which shows that when the front was being created, a possibility of Al-Nusra joining in was discussed. That did not happen only to save the front’s reputation, as Al-Nusra has been on terrorist organizations’ lists in the US and Europe.

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