Obama Off The Ukrainian Deep End

The fascist coup d’état that overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine has the President of the United States firmly on board. Obama’s support for this illegitimate, unlawful transfer of power in Ukraine has reached schizophrenic heights as an Executive Order has proclaimed a “national emergency” in defense of the Molotov tossing, spiked bat-swinging Neo-Nazis of Kiev. As Secretary of StateJohn Kerry threatens to escalate the East/West conflict in cryptic allusions, the world now awaits the possibility of World War. US warships, planes and troops continue to scurry toward the region.

What Obama has done is absurd. There is no more diplomatic way of stating it. His hypocrisy and support for clearly illegitimate and unelected Ukrainian leaders now threatens the freedom, and lives, of Americans who call out this insanity, such as yours truly in this very article.

Obama’s official embrace of the ridiculous rivals his predecessors, Bush and Cheney. This is no coincidence. The architect of the Ukraine regime change plan was none other than Dick Cheney’s former adviser and Obama’s current Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland. The Project for a New American Century lurches forward like Frankenstein’s monster.

I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, find that the actions and policies of persons — including persons who have asserted governmental authority in the Crimean region without the authorization of the Government of Ukraine — that undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets, constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

The “Government of Ukraine” (nice use of CAPS) has just been installed via chaotic street battles and a mysterious sniper, apparently brought in by the neo-nazi Maidan leaders. The elected President of Ukraine has fled to Russia, leaving a power vacuum where Obama’s so-called “Government of Ukraine” enjoys no actual democratic legitimacy. This government was simply not elected by anyone. Period. Full stop.

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However, Victoria Nuland has copped to spending $5 Billion of U.S. taxpayer money to achieve this goal and to install this regime. The US State Department has been instrumental in deciding who would and who would not become Obama’s current “Government of Ukraine.” This flagrantly gratuitous fraud is backed up by Executive threats of property seizure and even escalation toward war.

Crimea, which has yet been unaffected by the brutal street violence of Kiev, has arranged a popular referendum — an actual vote of the people — to decide whether they want to remain a part of Victoria Nuland and Barack Obama’s little neo-fascist experiment. The people of Crimea may choose independence or protection by Russia, but this is not to be permitted by Washington.

There will be a [U.S.] response of some kind to the [Crimean] referendum itself … If there is no sign [from Russia] of any capacity to respond to this issue … there will be a very serious series of steps on Monday. – John Kerry, 3.13.2014

So, buckle down, America. There’s currently a “national emergency” that people in a tiny region half a world away may vote the wrong way, the way that Washington officially dislikes.

Crimea has always been a part of the Russian sphere of influence, as it has majority Russian ancestry. The Russians, predictably, want to keep their port on the Black Sea. NATO/Washington wants to take away this naval port. If you can imagine a game of Risk in play, this is simply a matter of moving a few military resources around on a map to embolden one and to strategically weaken the other.

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Add to that Chevron’s holdings in Ukraine, with a nice profitable lease to frack the hell out of the country and extract natural gas for the next 50 years, and then we have a very obvious, tired old story of resource wars and strategic one-upsmanship. That and the IMF plan to indebt the people of Ukraine for many more billions in loans and impose “austerity” on their vital services. This is the “Economic Hitman” formula employed countless times around the world and already written about extensively. These are the forces in play, fun and games and billions to be extracted.

Plan Ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with democracy, with freedom, with vision, with any of the lofty rhetorical snake shit that readily squirts out of American television sets.

Will Ukraine look a lot like Syria in six months?

These neo-con warmongers, like John McCain and Victoria Nuland, had a lot of good chuckles empowering Al Qaeda in Syria in broad daylight, their junior partner Saudi Arabia doing most of the covert dirty work. Civilians on the ground are at the most risk, but Crimea so far appears to be relatively secure. That would be Russia’s doing.

Neo-con men like Barack, in addition to staggering hypocrisy, can be quite petulant and vindictive in their policymaking. Here’s the meat of his latest threat against the people of the world, including the reader:

…any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State:

(i) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have engaged in, directly or indirectly, any of the following:

(A) actions or policies that undermine democratic processes or institutions in Ukraine;

That designation would include Nuland, McCain, Kerry and Obama himself if anyone was keeping track. But Caesar’s diktats are subject to Caesar’s interpretation. Caesar’s laws are to be applied in the manner Caesar prefers. Law is reduced to whim now, and it doesn’t really have to make sense; does it?

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By Joe Giambrone is an American writer, novelist and the publisher of Political Film Blog.

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