Reid Denies Making Videotaped Claim that Obamacare Horror Stories Are ‘Lies’

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Wednesday that, “I have never come to the floor, to my recollection, I’ve never said a word about examples that Republicans have given regarding ObamaCare and how it’s not very good.”

“Mr. President, the junior senator from Wyoming has come to the floor several times recently talking about the fact that examples that he and others Republicans have given dealing with ObamaCare, examples that are bad, I’ve called lies. Mr. President, that is simply untrue,” Reid said.

Harry Reid is contradicting his own statements made on February 26.

As reported, and as C-SPAN video of him shows, Reid said on the Senate floor:

“We heard about the evils of Obamacare, about the lives it’s ruining in Republicans’ stump speeches and in ads paid for by oil magnates, the Koch brothers. But in those tales, turned out to be just that: tales, stories made up from whole cloth, lies distorted by the Republicans to grab headlines or make political advertisements.”

“There’s plenty of horror stories being told. All of them are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.”

Reid then blamed the Obamacare victims’ stories on the Koch brothers.

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