POLL: 60% of Americans Don’t Believe Obamacare Enrollment Numbers

The Kaiser Health Tracking Poll released on Tuesday paints a dismal portrait of the nation’s attitudes about Obamacare, including nearly six in ten who said the government fell short of enrollment levels.

Despite the Obama administration’s claim that it enrolled eight million Americans in Obamacare–a figure one million higher than its original seven million target–just 14% of Americans said the government “exceeded expectations.”

A full 57% said Obamacare “is not working as planned” versus 38% who agreed with the statement, “There were some early problems that have been fixed and now the law is basically working as intended.”

The poll also asked uninsured Americans why they they currently lack health insurance. Of those surveyed, over one in three (36%) uninsured Americans said they “tried to get coverage but it was too expensive.” Indeed, almost half of the uninsured (45%) said they expect to be forced to pay a fine for remaining uninsured.

The Kaiser Health Tracking Poll found that just 38% of Americans now support Obamacare.

The Washington Post/ABC News poll released on Tuesday records President Barack Obama hitting his lowest-ever approval rating of just 41%.

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