Obama gleeful when announcing the release of 5 senior Taliban from Gitmo

You somehow know when President Barack Obama puts on a Rose Garden show to announce the trading of five Gitmo-jailed jihadis for one American soldier, complete with a bear hug to the father of soldier, Bowe Bergdahl who credits Allah for his son’s release,  that something’s up.

And it doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to say that the ‘something up’ goes much further than Obama ignoring federal law which requires Congress to be notified before prisoners are transferred.

It was with shades of “I killed Osama” braggadocio on Saturday when Obama preened in front of the cameras to talk about how the deal went down between U.S. officials and 18 members of the Taliban.

“In his Rose Garden speech, Obama initially suggested that Bergdahl was rescued by a military operation directed by himself, evoking the successful killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011. (Daily Caller, June 1, 2014)

“While Bowe was gone, he was never forgotten,” President Barack Obama said from the White House Rose Garden. “The United States of America does not ever leave our men and women in uniform behind.”

“Unless it’s in Benghazi!” will be the loudest patriot shout.

How’s this for pouring salt in the still festering September 11, 2001 national wound?

“At the end of brief event, the soldier’s father, Bob Bergdahl, recited the most frequent phrase in the Koran — “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.” (GatewayPundit, June 1, 2014)

“After Bergdahl finished his statement and his praise for Allah, Obama hugged him. “

“The Taliban echoed Bergdahl, saying the trade happened “due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty and the sacrifices of the heroic and courageous Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate.”

Thanks to former Army Lieutenant Col. Allen West, we know that Bergdahl left all benevolence behind in the Rose Garden when he soon after sent out this vengeful like tweet before it was deleted:

“I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, amen!”



According to Britain’s Daily Mail, Bowe Bergdahl was already on the side of the enemy in captivity by August 2010.

“A captured American soldier is training Taliban fighters bomb-making and ambush skills, according to one of his captors and Afghan intelligence officials. (Daily Mail, Aug. 22, 2010)
“Private Bowe Bergdahl disappeared in June 2009 while based in eastern Afghanistan and is thought to be the only U.S. serviceman in captivity.

“The 24-year-old has converted to Islam and now has the Muslim name Abdullah, one of his captors told The Sunday Times.

“A Taliban deputy district commander in Paktika, who called himself Haji Nadeem, told the newspaper that Bergdahl taught him how to dismantle a mobile phone and turn it into a remote control for a roadside bomb.

“Nadeem claimed he also received basic ambush training from the U.S. soldier.

‘Most of the skills he taught us we already knew,’ he said. ‘Some of my comrades think he’s pretending to be a Muslim to save himself so they wouldn’t behead him.’

“Afghan intelligence officials also believe that Bergdahl is ‘cooperating with the Taliban’ and is acting as adviser to fighters at a base in the tribal area of Pakistan.

In an April, 2010 video released by the Taliban Bergdahl said, ‘This war isn’t worth the waste of human life that has cost both Afghanistan and the U.S. It’s not worth the amount of lives that have been wasted in prisons, Guantanamo Bay, Bagram, all those places where we are keeping prisoners.’”

The five jihadis released by Obama make the 36,000 criminal illegal aliens, including 193 murderers, in 2013 look like pikers:


  • Mohammed Fazl – commanded the main force fighting the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance in 2001, and served as chief of army staff under the Taliban regime. Fazl slaughtered thousands of Shiites.
  • Mullah Norullah Noori – served as governor of Balkh province in the Taliban regime and played some role in coordinating the fight against the Northern Alliance.
  • Mohammed Nabi Omari – the Taliban’s chief of communications and helped al Qaeda members escape from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
  • Khairullah Khairkhwa – most prominent position was as governor of Herat province from 1999 to 2001, and he was alleged to have been “directly associated” with Osama bin Laden.
  • Abdul Haq Wasiq – deputy chief of the Taliban regime’s intelligence service. His cousin was head of the service


“The five jihadis are senior leaders of the Taliban. One is the former head of the Taliban’s army. (Daily Caller)

“They were released by Obama from the secure Guantanamo prison to the custody of the United Arab Emirates.

“Since 2001, 2,323 U.S. soldiers have been killed by the Taliban and allied jihadis.

Meanwhile, the release of the five senior leaders of the Taliban and Obama’s gleeful announcement of the news in the Rose Garden shore up criticism that Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood.

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