By Peter Paton
The current conflicts on Israel’s borders with Syria, Gaza and the Sinai make it essential that Israel Annexes the Gaza Strip, Gush Katif, the Philadelphia Corridor and Judea and Samaria so that is has the imperative strategic depth to be able to defend itself properly in 21st modern century warfare, and in particular from short range and long range missiles and rockets, mortars, sophisticated armed drones, attack tunnels from enemy combatants and terrorists, and surprise hostile commando landings on Israel’s narrow strip of land. Annexing Area C in Judea and Samaria is of supreme importance because of the strategic value afforded there, and retaking the immensely vital Gush Katif Bloc in Gaza, which constitutes 12% of the Strip, and is a Monumental Military Citadel which overlooks and controls this entire volatile and dangerous region of some two million Arabs. This is an Existential War Israel and Egypt are fighting, and the real enemy is #Iran who conducting Proxy Wars on both States

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