9-Term Dem Lawmaker on Pelosi: ‘Turn the Reigns Over to Someone Else’

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Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) (AP)

(CNSNews.com) – “You have to know when to leave,” Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) told C-Span in an interview late last month.  The New York Democrat later added, “Many of us thought she (Pelosi) might stay for this coming year then hopefully turn the reigns over to someone else.”

“One of the things I certainly believe with my heart and soul, you have to know when to leave and Nancy obviously doesn’t believe that this is the time to leave,” McCarthy said when discussing the aging Democratic leadership with C-Span on Nov. 19th.

“Many of us thought she (Pelosi) might stay for this coming year and then hopefully turn the reigns over to someone else, but when I look around is anybody really ready to replace her?”

McCarthy, who did not seek re-election for a 10th term this November, discussed her career and the future of the Democratic Party in the C-Span interview.

“They have to start training younger people and bringing younger people into the caucus to become hopefully the future leaders,” McCarthy said.

In an interview with Politico after the mid-term elections House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) addressed her reasons for staying, ““It’s always time for fresh leadership, but my members have asked me to stay,” she said. “If they want me to stay, I stay. If they don’t want me to stay, I won’t stay.”

The article also noted Pelosi’s fundraising abilities. The House Minority Leader spent 200 days on the road fundraising this year, earning $65 million for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

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“Mrs. Pelosi, she’s a great leader and she is really good at raising money, that’s not one of my fortes, I was never good at that,” McCarthy said in the interview.

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